Parents must be active registered members of the parish for at least 6 months before the reception of a Sacrament can be scheduled.
Active membership includes attending Mass at St Mary's each weekend and using offering envelopes to fulfill two separate purposes: a) making your offertory contributions and other gifts, and b) establishing a weekly attendance record.
Even empty envelopes are recorded for Mass attendance. Please write your name on one of the envelopes provided in the pews until labeled envelopes arrive in the mail in 1-3 months.
Baptism: Contact Deacon Joe Sanfilippo at to begin planning a Baptism. Parents must attend a one-hour Baptism Preparation class before their first baptism at St Mary's. (Class is not required for subsequent baptisms, and godparents are not required to attend.)
First Communion & Confirmation: Linda Jackson, Director of Religious Education, will reach out to you after receiving your registration form to dicsuss RE classes for the children in your household.