I/We the below signed person/parent(s) having legal custody/legal guardianship of said minor, give permission for said minor to attend any Mulvane Recreation Commission (MRC) activities supervised by authorized MRC staff. Said minor is physically able and mentally prepared to participate in all activities.
I/We do hereby authorize the MRC and MRC staff to transport said minor in MRC bus, van, car or other vehicle to/from the site for daily transportation and/or field trips, emergency care, etc.
I/We have read the Parent Handbook and understand all policies and procedures set forth by the MRC. I/We shall abide by said policies/procedures and will review these with my/our child. I/We support the MRC in its enforcement of these policies/procedures.
I/We have read and understand the MRC’s policies concerning discipline and will review this information my/our child. I/We understand that the MRC reserves the right to dismiss any child who fails to adhere to MRC Summer Rec rules and regulations.
I/We understand fully and will abide by the MRC’s policy concerning drop-off and pick-up of children. I/We shall be prepared DAILY to present photo ID to on-site staff to determine my/our identity as authorized persons to pick up my/our child. Further, I/We shall inform others who are authorized to call for our child to present photo ID when picking up my/our child.
Model/Media Release: The undersigned and participant authorize the MRC to use at its discretion any photograph(s) taken of the participant while participating in any activity and waive all claims that the participant or the undersigned or their heirs, executors, administrators, or assign may have or claim to have resulting from such photograph(s) or reproductions thereof.
Release: I acknowledge that by my signature below, the registrant listed above is participating in the MRC programs at his/her/their own risk. MRC, Mulvane USD 263, City of Mulvane, successors, and assigns shall not be held liable for any accidents, illness, injury, or damage to property. MRC does not provide any medical insurance for participants. Parents/Guardians are responsible for insurance. Parents must sign for children under 18 to enter the program. Registration is not valid without a signature.
Medical Release: In case of a medical emergency, and I cannot be contacted, I give my permission for a MRC representative to act in my place and to make medical decisions concerning emergency treatment for the participant. I understand that the MRC is not allowed to administer any medications or make any medical diagnosis.
Behavior/Conduct: The undersigned and participant agree to abide by all the policies and guidelines set forth by the MRC regarding the program, and violations could result in being expelled from the activity or program with no refund. I further agree to follow the Parents’ Expected Positive Behavior as outlined in the MRC Summer Rec Handbook.