You are expected to attend nine (9) meetings a year and arrive in a timely manner. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Sunday of each month from September to June at 5:00 p.m.
You are expected to attend and support all JCL sponsored functions: The Cinderella Ball, Political Forum, Children's Christmas Party, Annual Scholarship Luncheon and any other JCL sponsored event.
You are expected to attend Youngstown City Council and Youngstown Board of Education meetings when assigned (contingent upon the program set forth by the Public Affairs Committee).
You are expected to actively serve on and attend committee meetings.
You are expected to perform volunteer hours in the community as well as JCL sponsored volunteer events.
You are expected to host a Regular meeting in the order of alphabetical rotation (usually once every two (2) years
You are expected to fulfill all financial obligations by December 31st of each year. Please note that dues are $50 and assessments are determined per fiscal year. Current assessment are $185 for a total of $235.
The Junior Civic League is a volunteer organization, not a social club. Our goal is to promote an interest in health, education and civic affairs in our community. This requires a lot of work, your precious time, love and dedication to our community and the Junior Civic League.
Your signature below indicates that you understand that once accepted into the Junior Civic League, continued membership is contingent upon fulfilling all membership requirements and responsibilities.