Dunedin Chamber of Commerce Request for Issue Advocacy
The Dunedin Chamber of Commerce works to identify issues of importance to our business community. One way issues are identified is through input from you, our membership. If you are a Chamber member and have identified a proposed ordinance, bill, resolution, or an issue in general that may affect the business community, please complete and submit this form. It will be submitted to the President/CEO who will place the item on the next Governmental Affairs Committee Agenda. After that screening, any recommendations will be presented to the full Board of Directors for approval. Please allow 6-8 weeks for the approval process to be completed. Should this be a time-sensitive issue, please be sure to check the appropriate box so that we prioritize. As always, YOUR VOICE COUNTS!
Name of Business/organization
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Cell Phone Number
Please provide a brief explanation, including which governmental body has responsibility of the issue, and when they are expected to take action.
What is the purpose of the proposed action, how does the issue affect the business community, and who will be impacted?
What action or position are you requesting the Chamber to take on the issue? State the recommended method of advocacy to influence the desired outcome (Calls; Email distribution to our members; letters written on your behalf, etc.).
Is this time sensitive?
Should be Empty: