Region 16 Application for Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) FFY2029 Funding Round
Have questions or comments? Contact Jarred Lassiter at 319-753-4321 or
Project Title
Sponsor/Applicant Agency
Co-Sponsor(s) (if applicable)
Contact Person
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
Roadway projects on a federal-aid eligible route
Bridge projects on any public road
Transit capital improvements
Activities eligible for Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program (TAP)
Transportation planning activities for an MPO or RPA
Name of Roadway
Termini Points
For example, "the intersection of Pine Street and 6th Avenue", or "Lincoln Avenue, 550 feet west of River Street".
Point of Beginning
End Point
If the project contains multiple non-contiguous roadway segments, please explain.
Total Distance of Project, in Miles
Round to the nearest hundredth.
Provide a detailed project description, which should include:
1. Concept of the proposed project and work to be performed 2. Existing conditions 3. The work plan and schedule for project completion 4. Current project status if work has already begun 5. Details regarding other phases, if part of a larger, multi-phase project 6. Funding acquired and/or used toward any component of the project 7. The public input process 8. The extent to which adjacent property owners and others have been informed of the proposed project and an assessment of their acceptance. 9. Any other relevant information not addressed elsewhere in your application
In addition to filling out the responses on this page, please also submit an Itemized Cost Estimate as an attachment (see pg. 10).
Provide a detailed breakdown of all project costs.
Cost in Dollars
Percent of Total Cost
Acquisition of Land or Property Rights
Preliminary Engineering
Construction Engineering
Utility Relocation
Railroad Work
In-Kind Contribution*
*Explain the use of any in-kind contributions or other costs associated with this project.
Provide a detailed breakdown of funding sources for the project.
Cost in Dollars
Percent of Total Cost
Requested Region 16 Federal STBG Funds
Other Grant Funding*
Local or Other Match
*Explain the use of any other grant funds associated with this project.
SCORING CATEGORY #1: System Performance
For detailed information on the scoring process, please see p. 11-17 of the Application Guide.
What is the current surface type of the roadway?
If more than one surface type is present, please explain.
What will the surface type be following the completion of this project?
If more than one surface type will be present, please explain.
What is the age of the current roadway surface?
Please explain in detail, with references to the date of prior resurfacing and/or construction projects.
Will the project benefit a roadway that is likely to experience a substantial increase in traffic volume, as a result of recent or planned development projects? If yes, please explain why.
This includes projects that result in a large number of new housing units or jobs, as well as a new or relocated civic facility like a school or convention center.
What is the current number of lanes for the roadway?
Please include regular travel lanes only, excluding any dedicated turn lanes. If the number of lanes varies for different sections of the roadway, please explain.
What will be the number of lanes following the completion of this project?
Please include regular travel lanes only, and excluding any dedicated turn lanes. If the number of lanes varies for different sections of the roadway, please explain.
Is the roadway currently divided, with a median separating the travel lanes for either direction? And will it be divided following the completion of the project?
Please exclude any instance where the roadway is/will only be divided on approach to an intersection with a different roadway.
What is the current speed limit of the roadway?
If the speed limit varies for different sections of the roadway, please explain.
Are there existing speeding problems on this roadway, and will the project include any improvements that are likely to reduce the rate of speeding? If yes to either, please explain.
Are there existing congestion problems on this roadway, and will the project include any improvements that are likely to reduce congestion? If yes to either, please explain.
SCORING CATEGORY #2: Integration and Connectivity
For detailed information on the scoring process, please see p. 17-19 of the Application Guide.
Will the project integrate multiple modes of transportation, including passenger and freight vehicles, public transit, bicyclists and pedestrians? If yes, please explain.
Will the project improve connectivity for freight transportation, including truck, rail, water, air and intermodal transfer? If yes, please explain.
Will the project improve connectivity to major highways and arterial roads, by shortening travel times or otherwise enhancing traffic flow? If yes, please explain.
Will the project preserve or enhance connectivity between a city of under 2,500 residents and the Principal Arterial highway network? If yes, please explain.
See p. 19 of the Application Guide for a map of all Principal Arterials in the region.
SCORING CATEGORY #3: Safety and Accessibility
For detailed information on the scoring process, please see p. 20-22 of the Application Guide.
Will this project include any investment in safety improvements for motorists? If yes, please explain, and be sure to identify any documented safety problems within the project area.
Please refer only to items that are included in the list of ‘Approved Safety Improvements’ on p. 48-50 of the Application Guide, and include a list of the selected items in your response. Also, please highlight any relevant safety items on the Itemized Cost Estimate in YELLOW.
Will this project include any investment in safety improvements for pedestrians and/or bicyclists? If yes, please explain, and be sure to identify any documented safety problems within the project area.
Please refer only to items that are included in the list of ‘Approved Safety Improvements’ on p. 48-50 of the Application Guide, and include a list of the selected items in your response. Also, please highlight any relevant safety items on the Itemized Cost Estimate in YELLOW.
Will the project include safety improvements to a roadway that provides access to community destinations such as a school, hospital/clinic, large factory or supermarket? If so, please explain, and be sure to identify any documented safety problems pertaining to these destinations.
SCORING CRITERIA #4: Economic Vitality
For detailed information on the scoring process, please see p. 23-24 of the Application Guide.
In general, how will this project promote economic development, either for the local community and/or the Southeast Iowa region as a whole?
Will this project increase or improve tourism? If so, please explain.
Will this project specifically improve or enhance the movement of freight and services? If yes, please explain.
Will this project improve or enhance the movement of workers? If yes, please explain.
Does this project improve access to job and business opportunities? If yes, please explain.
Does this project improve access to non-vehicular transportation facilities, including air, water, rail, and intermodal linkages? If yes, please explain.
SCORING CATEGORY #5: Local and Regional Factors
For detailed information on the scoring process, please see p. 25-27 ofthe Application Guide.
Is this project supported by a local planning document (city or county)? If so, please list the name of any such plan, and explain how that plan supports the project.
Such support must be reasonably unique and specific to the project, rather than being a generic statement that is equally applicable to numerous other projects.
Is this project supported by a regional, state or national planning document? If so, please list the name of any such plan, and explain how that plan supports the project.
Such support must be reasonably unique and specific to the project, rather than being a generic statement that is equally applicable to numerous other projects.
1. Project Map
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A map that identifies the location of the project (at 11 x 17 or smaller)
2. Official Endorsement
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A resolution or other official endorsement from the applicant stating its commitment of matching funds and commitment of project maintenance. See p. 7 of the Application Guide for further information, as well as p. 53 for a sample resolution.
3. Time Schedule
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An outline of all project phases and their anticipated time of completion, including design engineering and other necessary work to be completed prior to construction.
4. Itemized Cost Estimate
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A detailed breakdown of all project costs, consistent with the total figures provided on pg. 4 of this application. If safety improvements are part of this project, be sure to include and highlight these improvements in YELLOW.
5. Digital Photographs
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Photographs showing the existing conditions and location of the project. Please limit the total number of photographs to no fewer than 5, and no more than 10. You may submit as a single document with 5-10 photos included, or as 5-10 separate documents, with each photo submitted separately.
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