Imagine for a moment what it would be like to know exactly what you wanted. Imagine that you could see it, feel it, taste it & enjoy it at every level.
Imagine if it was the only thing that you had to do in your day, how much you could achieve with that single focus in your life. Surely your results would be better & achieved more quickly.
Realize how much simpler it would make the whole planning process and you can start to see how vitally important it is to set your destination before you depart. You need a “goal”.
For example, you may write ...
"I want to run the London Marathon".
Now that is an OK starting point but you need to get more specific to really make it powerful so you might instead write ....
"On Sunday April 20th 2025, I will complete the London Marathon in 3 hours and 29 minutes"
This immediately makes the planning process a lot more focused, for you could work out exactly what you would need to average for each mile and how much you need to improve from your current level. And so it continues….
There are several key points that you need to be aware of when setting your goals. They need to be:
Specific and Precise – make the goal as detailed as possible. When, where, with whom.
Positive – it should read “I want x” rather than “I want to avoid or I don’t want Y”
Optimistic – extensive research has shown that optimistic people outperform pessimists.
Challenging – something that will make you proud to achieve & make you a better person.
Motivating – to ensure that you actually “Take action” towards it
Desirable – is it what you really want?
Measurable – otherwise how will you know when you‘ve got it
Desired Date – when do you want it by – is it this year, this month, this week?