2025 Confirmation Info
Sponsor Information
Sponsor's Name:
First Name
Last Name
Sponsor's Address:
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Sponsor's Email:
Sponsor is a Confirmed Catholic:
Confirmation Candidate Baptismal Information
Confirmation Candidate's Name:
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Confirmation Candidate's Baptism:
Church of Baptism
If the Confirmation Candidate was NOT baptized at Seton and you have NOT provided Seton a copy yet, please provide a copy of the baptismal certificate below:
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Address - Church of Baptism
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Confirmation Candidate's Father's Name:
First Name
Last Name
Confirmation Candidate's Mother's Maiden Name
Confirmation Candidate's Parent Primary Contact Email:
We will send an email submission receipt here.
Confirmation Saint Information
Which Saint did you choose?
Why did you choose this Saint?
How does this Saint inspire you? What can you learn from this Saint? Please write 1-2 paragraphs.
What is your Saint the Patron Saint of?
Share some fun facts about your Saint.
Confirmation Questionnaire
Please prayerfully complete the Confirmation Questionnaire. While answering the questions, remember that the Bishop reads your responses. Also, please double check that after saving the document as a PDF, all of the text is still visible and does not get cut off due to the small text boxes.
Upload your completed Confirmation Questionnaire here as a PDF.
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