We are asking the Franklin Board Of Mayor and Aldermen to deny a request for Initiation of Annexation for the property on Highway 96, East of N Chapel Road and West of Trinity Road. Our homes lie in the unincorporated part of Williamson County, Franklin, TN (Mayes Creek Basin).
Our area is a semi-rural haven that reflects the spirit of the original settlers who founded this area. The way our community is zoned currently gives us the freedom and tranquility that we cherish deeply. There is a peaceful coexistence between us and the local wildlife .
This equilibrium is under threat by a recent request by the Smith Family, owners of the property in question, to again try to annex this property that is many miles from the city limits of the City of Franklin. They want to develop several pieces of property (some in unbuildable, flood protected land) into single family, multi-family and duplex homes along with commercial buildings. This property would house about 1600 people.
To have this property annexed and used for the development of high density housing will cause many issues - putting infrastructure in place would be very costly, our nearby schools would be overcrowded with several other subdivisions already approved, it would put high demand on fire and police protection, deeply affecting response times for any emergencies, just to name a few issues.
We are against this request for annexation, and are asking the City of Franklin to be fiscally responsible by denying annexation of this property for high density housing. Please preserve this historically beautiful property in Williamson County. This area is so very rural currently and to add housing mixes and commercial is unfair to those of us who already live in the area.