Discover ClosureCare™ Benefits for Your Campus or Workplace
ClosureCare™ provides a simple financial solution to support families during unexpected school closures. Fill out the form to learn more or explore how to offer this benefit to your employees or campus.
Your Experience with School Closures
On average, how many days per year does your organization experience disruptions due to unexpected school closures?
0-3 days
4-6 days
7-10 days
10+ days
What challenges does your organization face when schools experience unexpected closures? (Check all that apply)
Providing support for employees with dependents
Managing staffing shortages due to employee absences
Addressing the financial impact on employees
What measures does your organization currently have in place to support employees during school closures? (Check all that apply)
No formal support measures in place
Flexible work arrangements
Financial assistance for employees
What type of support would be most valuable to your employees or campus during school closures? (Check all that apply)
Financial assistance for families affected by closures
Flexible work or learning accommodations
Resources to help employees manage closures
What solutions or support do you wish existed to help employees or families during unexpected school closures?
About You
All information is kept in strict confidence.
Enter the name of your school, company, or organization.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
What is your role or job title?
Phone Number
By providing your phone number, you consent to receive text messages or phone calls from ClosureCare™. Standard messaging and data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time.
Your Zip Code
What are you most interested in?
Learning more about ClosureCare™
Partnering with ClosureCare™
Offering ClosureCare™ as an employee benefit
Bringing ClosureCare™ to my school or district
Feel free to include any additional questions or comments.
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