West Coast Macabre reserves the rights to approve or deny any application that they recieve through this form.
You will only be contacted if you are accepted. You will be sent a contract agreement with your first list of inventory.
All consignment prices reflect the percentage agreed upon in the contract. Usually 30% unless otherwise discussed.
No sales or deals with our products will be done with out approval before sale.
Items may be swapped out at any time by West Coast Macabre or the owner of the location. ( by request )
Payments will be done every month on the agreed upon date in the contract.
If payment is not recieved, West Coast Macabre reserves the rights to pull all product from location with out notice.
West Coast Macabre has the rights to remove all items from a location as seen fit.
You will be notified in advance. (if appliciable)
Posting on social media must be done at least ONCE A MONTH AND WHEN RESTOCK IS RECIEVED.
Tags and shares are always welcome and will be shared on all Social Media accounts.
Your location will be added to the Locations tab on www.WestCoastMacabre.com
West Coast Macabre items will not be displayed along side other taxidermists work. ( aka in same case or shelfing area )
Other taxidermist work cannot be simmiilar to West Coast Macabre style or esthetic. Failure to comply will result in product being pulled from your location.
Any broken or stolen items are the locations responsibility, and will be rembursed at next pay out date.
Inventory will be broken down on a list with a brief description, product numbers, costs, amounts to West Coast Macabre and addtional info if needed. We can also lable costs on product upon request.
If you have any questions or conserns about this process please contact us before submitting the form.
Please vist our FAQ page