2025 Candy Cane Crunch
December 19-21, 2025
Tournament Format
· Qualifying round of 20 ends
· 2 minute ends of 3 arrows
· Elimination rounds using recurve set format
· Single Elimination
· 18 Meters
· World Archery Rules followed except X is 11, and custom divisions
· 40CM Single Spot or Triangle will be used. Same target face must be used entire tournament.
Shooting Rules-Qualifying Round
1. Each end (time period to shoot three arrows) shall be 2 minutes.
2. Archers will use alternate shooting. AB will go first on odd numbered ends. CD will go first on even numbered ends.
3. An archer shooting before the whistle signaling a 2-minute end or after the time has lapsed will lose their highest scoring arrow or arrows equaling the number of errant arrows shot.
4. If more than 3 arrows are shot during an end, highest arrow will be called a miss. With the 3 spot, one arrow per spot. If more than one arrow is in a spot on a 3 spot, higher arrow value is a miss. If an archer shoots less than three arrows in one end and retires from the line, he/she may shoot the remaining arrows if the omission is discovered before the end is officially completed and the line has not been cleared; otherwise they shall be scored as misses.
5. An archer who purposely disfigures a target face to improve aiming or for any other reason may be disqualified. Arrow holes may be repaired, provided there is no delay to the round.
6. Archers may request a new target at any time. Judge does have right of refusal if the target face is barely used. Judge can require a target face change if the target is damaged enough to make arrow calls difficult.
7. Any archer conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be immediately disqualified and removed from the site.
8. Peak compound bow draw weight shall not exceed 60 lbs.
9. Maximum arrow shaft diameter allowed will be 9.3mm, with a point diameter not to exceed 9.4mm. The shaft diameter will include any wrap placed on the arrow and will include the size of the nock and the nock insert
10. If the arrow wrap, nock, or nock adapter exceed 9.3 inches and are embedded in the scoring area, the arrow shall be scored a miss.
11. Any equipment that impairs the hearing of the competitor, such as electronic voice communication devices, headsets or noise reduction devices will not be allowed on the shooting line.
12. Any archer that is hearing impaired must notify officials prior to shooting.
13. Arrow twirling will be permitted as long as it is not disruptive or dangerous to other archers or the event. A warning may be given by a tournament official if the twirling or handling of an arrow is deemed as disruptive or dangerous. Repeated violations may result in the removal of the archer from the competition at the tournament official's discretion.
14. DSA supplied target pins must be used.
15. No archer shall draw a bow in any manner that if accidentally released could fly beyond a safety zone or a safety backstop. A warning will be given on the first instance. The second instance will require the removal of the archer from the event.
16. The maximum total width of the archer and their equipment may not extend into the adjacent shooting lanes.
Protests: Any incident requiring immediate decision must be brought to the attention of a judge. All protests must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director within one hour of the conclusion of the round where the incident occurred, accompanied by $50 USD. The Tournament Rules Committee will convene approximately 1 hour after the last scoring end of each day to decide the outcome of each protest. All decisions of the Tournament Rules Committee will be final. The $50 cash protest fee will be returned if the Tournament Rules Committee rules in favor of the protest. No protests are allowed during shoot offs, judges decisions are final. A judges arrow call can not be protested. In the protest, the protestor must supply the tournament or World Archery rule in question.
Equipment Failure: In the event of equipment failure, step back from the shooting line and raise your bow above your head. A judge will come to your assistance. The archer will have 2 ends of repair time without holding up the tournament. No practice end will be allowed. The archer shall be allowed to shoot any arrows missed during the 2 ends.
Shooting Rules-Elimination Round
17. Each end (time period to shoot three arrows) shall be 2 minutes.
18. AB Archers always shoot first, CD shoots second.
19. An archer shooting before the whistle signaling a 2-minute end or after the time has lapsed will lose their highest scoring arrow or arrows equaling the number of errant arrows shot.
20. If more than 3 arrows are shot during an end, highest arrow will be called a miss. With the 3 spot, one arrow per spot. If more than one arrow is a spot on a 3 spot, higher arrow value is a miss. If an archer shoots less than three arrows in one end and retires from the line, he/she may shoot the remaining arrows if the omission is discovered before the end is officially completed and the line has not been cleared; otherwise they shall be scored as misses.
21. An archer who purposely disfigures a target face to improve aiming or for any other reason may be disqualified. Arrow holes may be repaired, provided there is no delay to the round.
22. Archers may request a new target at any time. Judge does have right of refusal if the target face is barely used. Judge can require a target face change if the target is damaged enough to make arrow calls difficult.
23. Any archer conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be immediately disqualified and removed from the site.
24. Peak compound bow draw weight shall not exceed 60 lbs.
25. Maximum arrow shaft diameter allowed will be 9.3mm, with a point diameter not to exceed 9.4mm. The shaft diameter will include any wrap placed on the arrow and will include the size of the nock and the nock insert
26. If the arrow wrap, nock, or nock adapter exceed 9.3 inches and are embedded in the scoring area, the arrow shall be scored a miss.
27. Any equipment that impairs the hearing of the competitor, such as electronic voice communication devices, headsets or noise reduction devices will not be allowed on the shooting line.
28. Any archer that is hearing impaired must notify officials prior to shooting.
29. Arrow twirling will be permitted as long as it is not disruptive or dangerous to other archers or the event. A warning may be given by a tournament official if the twirling or handling of an arrow is deemed as disruptive or dangerous. Repeated violations may result in the removal of the archer from the competition at the tournament official's discretion.
30. DSA supplied target pins must be used.
31. No archer shall draw a bow in any manner that if accidentally released could fly beyond a safety zone or a safety backstop. A warning will be given on the first instance. The second instance will require the removal of the archer from the event.
32. The maximum total width of the archer and their equipment may not extend into the adjacent shooting lanes.
Protests: Any incident requiring immediate decision must be brought to the attention of a judge. All protests must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director within one hour of the conclusion of the round where the incident occurred, accompanied by $50 cash USD. The Tournament Rules Committee will convene approximately 1 hour after the last scoring end of each day to decide the outcome of each protest. All decisions of the Tournament Rules Committee will be final. The $50 cash protest fee will be returned if the Tournament Rules Committee rules in favor of the protest. No protests are allowed during shoot offs, judges decisions are final. . A judges arrow call can not be protested. In the protest, the protestor must supply the tournament or World Archery rule in question.
Equipment Failure: No make up arrows are allowed during elimination rounds for any reason.
Special Candy Cane Crunch Rules
1. X Ring is an 11
Scoring Rules-Qualification
BetweenEnds.com is the official electronic system for scoring. Archers will be assigned their shooting position. It is not first come first serve. Archers will be responsible for understanding the scoring procedures and verifying their scores.
1. A judge will make all decisions on scoring questionable arrows; their decisions are final.
2. All arrows must remain in the target, untouched, until scoring is completed.
3. Any archer intentionally touching any questionable arrow or any part of the target assembly (including other arrows, faces, pins, mat or stand) will result in the questionable arrow being scored in the lower scoring area. If it happens more than once, then the archer will be disqualified.
4. The three-spot target face is scored on the gold (11,10,9), red (8,7).
5. Arrows must touch the line to be in the next highest scoring area.
6. Any arrow that passes beyond the shooting line a distance greater than 3 Meter Line marked on the floor, is a shot arrow.
7. If an arrow is embedded in the target beyond the nock, a judge must be called and the arrow should not be touched. If the arrow is touched before the judge arrives, then the arrow is not scored. Judge will make the arrow call
8. Arrow Holes are marked. If a bounce out occurs, the archer steps back and raises their hand in inform a judge. Judge will decide how to proceed.
9. Each competitor must complete and sign his own scorecard. Both scorers must also sign it. When there is a difference on the two cards, the lowest score must be taken. Scoring tablets and paper scorecards must be turned in at the scoring table, in your assigned arena or hall, immediately following shooting. To be considered valid, scorecards must be turned in within one hour of the final end.
10. All scoring on the official scorecard must be completed in ink. Any changes on the official scorecard must be agreed upon and initialed by all archers in the scoring group. Any archery turning in an incorrect scorecard will be subject to disqualification.
Scoring Rules-Elimination Round
BetweenEnds.com is the official electronic system for scoring. Archers will be assigned their shooting position. It is not first come first serve. Archers will be responsible for understanding the scoring procedures and verifying their scores.
11. A judge will make all decisions on scoring questionable arrows; their decisions are final.
12. All arrows must remain in the target, untouched, until scoring is completed.
13. Any archer intentionally touching any questionable arrow or any part of the target assembly (including other arrows, faces, pins, mat or stand) will result in the questionable arrow being scored in the lower scoring area. If it happens more than once, then the archer will be disqualified.
14. The three-spot target face is scored on the gold (11,10,9), red (8,7).
15. Arrows must touch the line to be in the next highest scoring area.
16. Any arrow that passes beyond the shooting line a distance greater than 3 Meter Line marked on the floor, is a shot arrow.
17. If an arrow is embedded in the target beyond the nock, a judge must be called and the arrow should not be touched. If the arrow is touched before the judge arrives, then the arrow is not scored. Judge will make the arrow call
18. Arrow Holes are marked. If a bounce out occurs, the archer steps back and raises their hand in inform a judge. Judge will decide how to proceed.
19. Each competitor must complete and sign his own scorecard. Both scorers must also sign it. When there is a difference on the two cards, the lowest score must be taken. Scoring tablets and paper scorecards must be turned in at the scoring table, in your assigned arena or hall, immediately following shooting. To be considered valid, scorecards must be turned in within one hour of the final end.
20. All scoring on the official scorecard must be completed in ink. Any changes on the official scorecard must be agreed upon and initialed by all archers in the scoring group. Any archery turning in an incorrect scorecard will be subject to disqualification.
21. Archer who wins end collects two points. If the archers tie, each archer receives one point, if the archer loses the end they get zero points. First archer to six points wins the match and continues in the competition. Archer who loses the match is done, except during the Semi Final. Losing archers of the Semi Final shoot in the Bronze Medal Match. Winners of the Semi Final shoot in the Gold Medal Match. If a match has a 5-5 tie, a one arrow shoot off decides the winner.
22. If a one arrow shoot off is needed to decide winner, archers shoot on the target face style that they are competing on. Triangle must shoot top spot.
23. If an archer misses their first end of official practice or their first end of any match, they are disqualified.
USA Archery Dress Code Policy
Pay attention to rule concerning shoes
Updated: December 2022 The USA Archery (USAA) Dress Code Policy applies to the following individuals when on the field of play at USAA Sanctioned Events: athletes, coaches, managers, credentialed media, team officials, tournament officials, and archer agents.
1. Must present a professional, athletic appearance (torn, ripped, or heavily soiled clothing articles are not allowed).
2. Shorts, skorts, and skirts must be professional in appearance and length.
3. Camouflage clothing is only disallowed for broadcast/live streamed medal matches at national events and after the first cut at U.S. Team Trials Events.
4. Denim is allowed, but must not be torn, ripped or have holes.
5. Leggings (tight fitting/yoga-type stretch pants) are allowed but must not be transparent/translucent above the knee.
6. Upper garments must cover the front and back of the body, and the midriff when at full draw. They must also have sleeves.
7. Shoes must cover the entire foot unless pre-approved by USAA due to an injury or disability. Sports/athletic shoes are recommended.
8. At no time will any article that bears wording, insignias, innuendo or images determined to be offensive or inappropriate be allowed. All hate symbols and hate speech on clothing, personal effects and your person is strictly prohibited, whether worn on the person or not. The National Events Manager and/or Event Organizer is responsible for the enforcement of this policy in conjunction with the Chair of Judges (COJ) or their designee.
Policy Enforcement
• DSA officials have final discretion on the implementation of the Dress Code Policy.
• Should there be an actual or suspected violation of this policy on the field of play, during an event, report to the National Events Manager or Event Organizer and the Chair of Judges (COJ) or their designee immediately.
• Any violation of the Dress Code policy is subject to disciplinary action pursuant to USAA’s Disciplinary Proceedings and Grievance Policy
Divisions will be divided by bow type and age. Genders are combined.
Bow Types
Fixed Pin
USA Archery will adhere to the Compound Division of World Archery rules with the following exceptions:
• Sight: Any sight pin, ring, or dot that is used without the aid of magnification. A lens with zero magnification is allowable. Clarifiers and Verifiers will be permitted. No adjustments to equipment is allowed during a round*.
• Stabilizers: A front stabilizer (or a system including quick releases, enhancers and/or weights) may be used, but may not exceed twelve inches (12”) in total length from the tip of the stabilizer (or system) to the point of attachment on the front of the riser provided by the manufacturer. A single rear stabilizer or a single counterbalance weight system may be used, with no restriction in length as measured from the point of attachment on the riser.
• Outer 10-ring scoring – indoor.
• *Once the qualification round beings, there will be no further adjustments allowed. Each match during elimination rounds, if tournament has elimination rounds, is its own "round" and adjustments can be made after each match.
Age Divisions
U15-through the year of their 14th birthday
Senior-Any age
Age Calculator Schedule Event Rules - USA Archery-scroll to bottom of page
Registration will stay open until venue is full, or 7:00AM December 15, 2025.
No refunds after December 15, 2025
Registration Fees as follows
Senior and U21 $65
Masters, U18, U15, U13 $60
Make sure you select the appropriate amount at checkout.
Friday December 19, 2025
Session 1-Qualifying Round
5:30PM Check In and Equipment Inspection
6:15PM Two Ends of Official Practice-Straight into scoring
Saturday December 20, 2025
Session 2-Qualifying Round
7:30AM Check In and Equipment Inspection
8:15AM Two Ends of Official Practice-Straight into scoring
Saturday December 20, 2025
Session 3-All Recurve and All Fixed Pin Elimination Rounds
12:15PM Check In and Equipment Inspection
12:45PM Two Ends of Official Practice-Straight into scoring
Sunday December 21, 2025
Session 4-Compound Senior
7:30AM Check In and Equipment Inspection
8:00AM Two Ends of Official Practice-Straight into scoring
Session 5-All Barebow and Compound Youth
12:15PM Check In and Equipment Inspection
12:45PM Two Ends of Official Practice-Straight into scoring
1st Place Belt Buckles for all divisions
Plaques for 2nd and 3rd