A parent or guardian should read the following conditions and check the box below if they agree:
Payment is by Paypal or Debit/Credit Card. Places are not secured until payment has been received. Confirmed places are non-transferable and refunds will only be given in exceptional circumstances.
Safety is of paramount importance during the planning and running of all COCM events and all reasonable precautions will be taken to keep your child safe. However if a medical emergency occurs during the event, COCM staff present may need to request emergency services for assistance and COCM staff will make every effort to notify you before initiating such procedures. By sending your child to Summer Youth Camp 2025 you understand that we will take all necessary care to protect your child, but that you will remain liable for any medical expenses incurred in their treatment. You must notify us of any allergies or ongoing medical conditions the child has in the relevant sections of this registration form.
Your privacy is important to us. COCM will never share personal details of you or your child with any external organisation. We will only use your contact details to send you information about Summer Camp 2025 or to contact you during the event. For more information on our data privacy policy, go to
By sending your child to Summer Youth Camp 2025 you also consent to us using any officially recorded photographs and videos of your child for future promotional purposes ,and consent for us to the use of WhatsApp (including the potential establishment of a WhatsApp group) to communicate with your child