It is agreed that, if by any reason of fire, action of the elements, catastrophe, University action or similar cause, said premises cannot be made available by WSU for use by the WSU Spring Family Arts and Crafts Fair or the Fall Vintage Arts and Crafts Fair, neither WSU nor the promoters will be liable for any damages, expenses, or other loss to the vendor by reason on cancellation: except that we will refund the booth rental fee. In consideration of my entry in this event, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive, release, and forever discharge any and all rights to claims for damage which I may have or hereafter accrue to me against the promoters, their officers, agents, representatives, successors, for any or all loss or damages which may be sustained and suffered by me in connection with my participation in the WSU Spring Family Arts and Crafts Fair or the Fall Vintage Arts and Crafts Fair. Exhibitors must provide any insurance they deem necessary. I agree to the above conditions.
Vendors may not park on the North loading pad outside of posted loading hours unless they display a handicapped permit. Violation of this may result in being ticketed and not allowed back into our fairs.