Sea Mar recognizes and acknowledges the barriers children of farm worker families face in their pursuit of a college degree. Economic strains, as well as the language and cultural barriers can often affect these students. Sometimes students need to work after-school and all summer to assist their family. Sea Mar is proud to provide annual scholarships to help make college a reality.
To be eligible to apply, an applicant must:
- Be a high school senior or a high school/GED graduate who has not yet attended college.
- Work or has worked OR, whose parent/legal guardian is or has worked as a farmworker*.
- Show commitment to their education, demonstrates leadership and cares for the community.
- Exhibit financial need due to individual/family hardship.
- Planning to enroll in at least 10 credits per quarter/semester in an institute of higher education during the 2025 - 2026 academic year.
- In order to disseminate funds to as many students as possible, students are eligible for one Sea Mar Scholarship at the undergraduate level, and one Sea Mar Scholarship at the graduate level.
- This scholarship is open to any student regardless of citizenship status.
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
*For the purpose of awarding this scholarship, Sea Mar's definition of a farmworker is someone whose principal employment is in agriculture, fishery, forestry labor, or dairy labor. It does not include farm, ranch, feedlot, food- or meat-processing, or any owner or child of an owner of an agricultural or dairy business.
For any questions, contact the Sea Mar Scholarship Office at or