Scholarship Terms and Conditions/ Certification and Release Authorization:
I/We certify that this information is complete and accurate. I/We authorize the release of this information to confirm and/or verify this application. I/We further grant unto Look Back Give Back Foundation, Inc., the right to use my name and likeness in connection with the promotion of the Look Back Give Back Foundation's Scholarship Program on, but not limited to, our website, email distribution, and social media platforms. I also consent, that if chosen as a scholarship finalist, I will participate in the virtual scholarship committee interview. I pledge to "pay it forward: by mentoring another young student once I graduate college.
I certify that I meet the eligibility criteria for the Look Back Give Back Scholarship Program, and have attached my college/university letter of acceptance, essay submission, and 1 letter of recommendation. I understand that applications that are incomplete, late or not submitted in accordance with directions will be ineligible for consideration.
I hereby apply for the Look Back Give Back Scholarship Program. I understand if I am selected to receive one of the scholarships, Look Back Give Back Foundation has no legal liabiity or oblligation to me other than the payment of the Scholarship Award on my behlaf to the accredited school listed above. I further understand that if I choose not to enroll after payment of the Scholarship, I am responsible to notify my school and notify Look Back Give Back Foundation of my decision.