To be considered for this scholarship, you are expected to provide answers to the following five (5) questions:
Question 1: Describe a personal experience that has defined who you are and impacted your character?
Question 2: How are you involved in your community and/or school through leadership or service activities?
Question 3: Describe an event in history that you would change and what would be the outcome of that change?
Question 4: Identify an influential leader, who's characteristics you would like to mirror? What makes them a good leader and why were they so influential?
Question 5: Describe a time in your life you have had to overcome adversity?
Each essay must be a minimum of 300 words and a max of 500 words.
We highly suggest you write and save your essay responses in a seperate document and when ready to submit, copy and paste into this application.
Give yourself time to fix any formatting errors before submitting.