Emotional Wellness Telehealth Informed Consent Form
I consent to engaging in telehealth with the Emotional Wellness Department of Community Health Partners (CHP) as a part of the therapy process and my treatment goals. I understand that telehealth psychotherapy may include mental health evaluation, assessment, consultation, treatment planning, and therapy. Telehealth will occur primarily through interactive audio, video, telephone and/or other audio/video communications. I understand that my first initial visit with the assigned therapist must take place in person at one of their offices. I understand that telehealth services are only available to those persons that the therapist determines are appropriate for virtual services. I understand and consent to providing a safe, confidential, private/personal and working email and phone number to the Emotional Wellness Department in order to access telehealth services.
I understand I have the following rights with respect to telehealth:
1) I have the right to withhold or remove consent at any time without affecting my right to future care or treatment, nor endangering the loss or withdrawal of any program benefits to which I would otherwise be eligible.
2) The laws that protect the confidentiality of my personal information also apply to telehealth. As such, I understand that the information released by me during the course of my sessions is generally confidential. There are both mandatory and permissive exceptions to confidentiality including but not limited to reporting child and vulnerable adult abuse, expressed imminent harm to oneself or others, or as a part of legal proceedings where information is requested by a court of law. I also understand that the dissemination of any personally identifiable images or information from the telehealth interaction to other entities shall not occur without my written consent,
3) I understand that there are risks and consequences from telehealth including but not limited to, the possibility, despite reasonable efforts on the part of Emotional Wellness Department of Community Health Partners (CHP) that: the transmission of my personal information could be disrupted or distorted by technical failures and/or the transmission of my personal information could be interrupted by unauthorized persons. In addition, I understand that telehealth-based services and care may not be as complete and in-person services. I understand that if my therapist believes I would be bettered served by other interventions I will be referred to a mental health professional who can provide those services in my area. I also understand that there are potential risks and benefits associated with any form of mental health treatment, and that despite my efforts and efforts of my therapist, my condition may not improve, or may have the potential to get worse.