In signing this registration form, parents/guardians agree to and accept the following:
1. I agree to have the medical form completed by a physician and returned to Weymouth Club on or before June 7 or 1 week before attending.
2. I understand that my child may not attend camp until the properly completed medical form and all payments are received by Weymouth Club.
3. I grant permission for my child to participate in all planned Weymouth Club activities and programs. I hereby release and discharge Weymouth Club, its directors, officers, trustees, employees and agents from all liability, claims, or demands, from any damage, loss or injury to my child’s person or property in connection with par-ticipation in these activities.
4. I understand that the Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss a participant if, in his/her judgment, the participant’s behavior interferes with the rights or safety of others, or the smooth functioning of a group or activity, or violates the Program’s principles of conduct, or if the child has special needs that were not brought to the Program Director’s attention at the time of registration.
7. I understand it is my responsibility to bring any special concerns about my child to the Director’s attention at the time of registration.
8. I understand and accept that once a registration is accepted by Weymouth Club, no refund or transfer of funds will be made in the event of withdrawal, dismissal, failure to attend or incomplete attendance for any reason.
9. Second and subsequent siblings receive a discount. Discount applies ONLY to Camp Programs and NOT to Extended Day Program. Siblings must be enrolled in the same weeks.
10. I understand that there is no camp on Friday July 4th 2025.
11. All campers need to come to camp in sneakers, with a labeled water bottle, their own lunch and extra snacks every day.