Fill out this application, wait for an acceptance email then send payment. After payment is received, you will be added to our private vendor group on Facebook. Returning this application does not guarentee acceptance. Vendors are chosen based on need, booth description, and pictures submitted. We will do our best to limit sililiar booths, but cannot guarentee you will be exclusive.
Friday, June 13th 2pm-6pm or Saturday, June 14th 6am-8:30am
Booths should be ready and cars moved to the parking lot by 8:30am sharp on Saturday.
1. Applications will be reviewed and the first round of acceptance/regret emails will go out January 10th, then weeklyfrom this date forward. Booth fees are due within 48 hours of receiving the acceptance email, if not paid, your spot could go to someone else.
2. Please be at the site by 8:30am Saturday and have your display completely ready. Please call Dana at 615-904-4676 if you are not able to make it on time.
3.You are responsible for the cleanliness of your assigned space during the sale and before you leave. NO EARLY TEARDOWNS. Please do not begin packing up until 4pm or risk not being accepted into future markets.
4. We would like all tables to be covered to the floor, if possible. This keeps a clean, neat appearance.
6. Spaces should be kept neat and clean during the sale hours. If your booth generates trash of any kind, please have a small receptacle for shoppers to use. We will have large trashcans placed throughout the venue.
7. You must provide your own tables/chairs/tents. This is an outdoor event in a grass/gravel area. If your booth requires a 100% level space, this might not be the venue for you. Booths will be in grass except for the demonstrators in the Toolshed, this is a concrete area. No electricity is available to the booths in the grass. Quiet generators are welcome.
8. When your fee is paid, you will be added to a private Facebook group for questions and updates.
Booth spaces are 12'x12' for $75 and 12'x24' for $130.
Food trucks/trailer vendors are $130.
No Refunds. This is an outdoor event and will be held rain or shine.
Payment is due within 48 hours of receiving your confirmation email.
You may pay by the following methods:
- Venmo to Dana-Lester-6. (last four digits of phone number are 4676) Please send "friends and family" and include your booth name in the subject line.
- Paypal to (add $3.00 for Paypal fees)
- Cash App to $danamarielester
- If you do not have any of these methods of payment, email me at and I will send you an invoice with a link to pay through.
QUESTIONS? Email Dana at