{participantName}, {name12}, {name106} (hereinafter “Student” or “I”) hereby acknowledges and understands that SPRAYFINGER®/Peyton Scott Russell (hereinafter “SF”) may, from time to time, take photographs of my (or my child’s) participation in various Classes, seminars, or lectures taught by SF (collectively, “Class”). I hereby grant SF all necessary rights to use my (or my child’s) image, as appropriate, for his promotional purposes, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, increasing awareness for SF, classes, and other related endeavors, including CD’s, DVD’s, video’s, fliers, brochures, posters, banners, signs, logos, billboards, t-shirts, clothing, and web sites subject to the following paragraph.
I hereby agree that that I (or my child) will not be compensated for the use of such photographs in any way. This waiver does not extend to any images of me (or my child) that are inappropriate or otherwise offensive to a reasonable person.
I further grant SF a non-exclusive world-wide, fully paid, royalty-free license to use any artwork that I (or my child) create during class, for the purposes of increasing awareness of SF, classes, and other related endeavors subject to the following sentence. I (or my child) will retain ownership of and the rights to my original artwork; my provision of the art for any such promotion will be reasonable and wherever possible without losing the quality of the work, reproductions will be used.
I further understand that any work that is not taken upon 30 days after completion of a class or the end of an exhibition is considered to be abandoned. Any artwork so abandoned may be used by SF, at their sole discretion, in any manner SF sees fit, including for future exhibitions, rents, sales, installations, or may be destroyed, or discarded.
I HEREBY RELEASE, DISCHARGE, COVENANT NOT TO SUE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS SF, owners and lessors of the premises on which the activity takes place from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on account caused or alleged in whole or in part by any act or omission of theirs in connection with the Classes, whether or not caused in whole or in part by their negligence, and further agree that if, despite this release, I or anyone on my behalf makes a claim against the above, I will indemnify, save and hold harmless each of them from any litigation expenses, attorneys fees, loss liability, damage or cost as may occur as the result of such claim.