Social Media, Pediatric Therapists, Chiropractors, Lactation Consultants, Bodyworkers and others are misusing and overusing the term 'tension' without proper definition, phyiologic understanding or appropriate course of treatment, creating confusion with our vulnerable clients, babies and their parents.
This short on demand short course provides important information to guide your assessment and treatment effectiveness and explains why we do NOT want to "release tension" in the precrawling infant.
Join this course and learn what tension really is and how to balance body systems for optimal outcomes.
Course Objectives:
1. Provide education and physiologic understanding of body tension in the precrawling infant
2. Discuss how to communicate about tension to parents and other professionals
3. Identify common tensional imbalances seen in the precrawling infant and how they affect function
4. Recognize signs of compensation in the precrawling infant
5. Learn 3 techniques to optimize soft tissue integrity