(Applications must be submitted by April 1, 2025)
Scholarship Provisions
- The scholarship will contribute to the recipient’s 2025-2026 academic costs. The recipient will be given a one-time $1,000 award to be paid directly to the recipient's post-secondary choice once proof of university/college matriculation is received.
- Student must commence classes during the year of the award.
SCABSE Scholarship Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for the SCABSE Scholarship you must:
- Be a citizen of the United States of America
- Be a high school senior, graduating from an accredited SC public or private school by June 30, 2025
- Have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher
- Plan to attend a institution of higher learning (either a four-year university or two-year community college-additional weight will be given to students attending an HBCU and students majoring in Education)
- Have completed a minimum of 100 hours of community service from September 2022 to date of application (Community service is defined as voluntary acts of service which directly benefit an individual or group)
- Complete a SCABSE scholarship application and submit the application in accordance with the deadline and application procedures
How to apply
A complete application MUST include the following six (6) documents:
- Scholarship Application Cover Sheet
- Resume-Your resume must include the following information:
- Your leadership roles, extra-curricular activities (school and community) and special skills
- Work experience
- Honors and Awards that you have received
- Participation in Community Service (List any community organizations and/or programs in which you have been actively involved during this school year. Include names, dates of service and name of program supervisor and signature of supervisor/or director)
- Essay must contain a minimum of 500 words not to exceed 750 words and answer the following questions:
- What career path do you plan to pursue and why?
- How will a SCABSE scholarship assist with your plans?
- Two Letters of Recommendation
- Provide two (2) letters of recommendation (1 school staff member and 1 community member)
- Letters should address academic performance, citizenship, leadership, and community activities
- Transcript. Include an official copy of your current academic transcript
- A senior cap and gown photo. If you receive the scholarship, your photograph will be shared on SCABSE’s social media platforms.
Application and Award Timeline
- Your application cover sheet and all supporting materials must be uploaded and submitted to SCABSE by April 1, 2025
- If you are awarded a SCABSE scholarship, you will be notified by the committee.
- All SCABSE scholarship recipients are expected to attend the annual SCABSE Scholarship All White Jazz Brunch-June 7, 2025.