Winter Term 2025
January 13, 2025 - March 22, 2025
1.) HOM501: Homiletics - A course in Homiletics is a crucial part of seminary education. Acquiring, developing, and practicing the Art of Preaching is lifelong spiritual discipline. In this course, the tools, traditions, resources, and methods of preaching are explored in a broad manner. This affords the student the opportunity to review and adopt those means which are akin to their spiritual personality, tradition, and present place of ministry. Specific attention will be given to history and tradition, content and context. Course time is invested in preparation and delivery of sermons, but also to the development of the capacity to evaluate one’s own preaching as well as that of others.
Prerequisite: None
Textbook: "The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word" (W. Brueggemann)
Day & Time: Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00pm EST
Professor: The Rev. Dr. Daniel Medina, D.Min.
Course Group: Ministry and Church Development
Credits: 3
CEUs: 3.0 CEUs for Students | 1.5 CEUs for Auditors
Note: The first class session is on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Registration closes on Tuesday, January 21 at 5:00pm EST.
Note: A $25.00 late fee for each course may apply if registration is not received by the start of the first class/session.
- If you are seeking maximum CEUs: You must follow the Professor's attendance policy, submit the required assignments and receive a passing grade. (Note: A letter grade will only be issued at the end of the term if you are a Student in the program.)
- If you are seeking minimum CEUs: You must follow the Professor's attendance policy.
To receive credit and a final grade for an M.Div. course, you must submit an application and be admitted into the program as a Student. Persons enrolled in courses without being admitted into the program will be considered an Auditor. No exceptions.
Note: Registering for a course is not the same as applying to the program.
Please email with any questions you may have.