Meeting your expectations is one of our key priorities. To help us achieve this goal, we invite you to take a few moments to complete this survey.
Your feedback is invaluable as it informs how we determine and improve our policies and programs. We greatly appreciate your time and input. Thank you for helping us continue to grow and enhance our school community!
Please rank the importance of the following factors influencing your choice of school based on the scale below: 1 star = Not important, 2 stars = Minimally Important, 3 stars = Neutral, 4 stars = Important, 5 stars = Very important.
Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about your experience at the school so far, using the scale below: 1 star = Strongly Disagree, 2 stars = Disagree, 3 stars = Neutral, 4 stars = Agree, 5 stars = Strongly Agree.
Please let us know how helpful each news or information resource is to you.1 star = Not helpful, 2 stars = Minimally helpful, 3 stars = Neutral/No Opinion, 4 stars = Helpful, 5 stars = Very helpful.