In applying for membership with NorthAmerican Transportation Association Inc. (NTA Inc) for the procurement of any of the association’s programs, I or We, are desirous of becoming a member of NTA and understand that the membership in NTA Inc. is limited to and made up entirely of separate transportation related companies consisting of at least one owner. NTA offers its members a free subscription to NTA’s High-Way Hi-Lites,” an electronic weekly newsletter & “10-4 Magazine”, a monthly electronic magazine.
We understand and agree that we must have on file a current credit card and/or electronic check payment form (ACH) at all times.
We understand that some benefits or services are for MEMBERS ONLY. To help new member companies establish a credit line, we understand that all accounts are reported to our in-house credit bureau on a monthly basis.
THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED by an authorized representative from each company and returned with the applicable fees to NTA Inc. before any services or benefits can be started. Please keep copies of this form for your record keeping as proof of your association membership with NTA Inc.