Terms and conditions
- All payment agreements must be completed and paid in full during the agreed period of time.
- It is your responsibility to keep up with payments. Your payment day is the same day you make first payment (e.g if you start on a Monday all payments will be on a Monday)
- SomaTherapeia offers no refunds once this agreement is signed you are liable for all and any payments, we hold this space for you and only work with a set amount of coaching clients at any given time.
- All property within SomaTherapeias online platforms is the property of SomaTherapeia and Mel Jay LTD and theft of the content will result in legal action.
- If client is needing to extend payment plan due to hardship this may be negotiated at the discretion of SomaTherapeia but must be communicated via email by the applicant/student to healingwithmelz@gmail.com
- If client falls behind by 4 weeks, $100 dishonour fee will be applied and future appointments cancelled access to any of the clients online course + program will be removed with the full remaining balance + dishonour fee will be forwarded on to an external debt collector agency where student will be responsible for all and any additional fees applied.
- Confidentiality Policy: The coach will maintain strict confidentiality regarding all personal information shared during the coaching sessions, except in cases where disclosure is required by law or where there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.
- At times coach may use challenges from coaching session in the form of marketing and/or content, coach agrees not to make you identifiable unless agreed otherwise and explicit consent is gained.
- Your participation in the coaching program will remain confidential and not shared online or to anyone else unless explicit consent is gained.
Committment Conditions:
By committing to a payment plan for a space in one of my programs you fully understand that the insights and perspective I bring are from my own life experience. SomaTherapeia is not a registered counselling or therapy practice - the word Therapy is the practice we undertake during our coaching sessions at times.I have a Bachelor of Arts double Major in Psychology and Social Anthropology & a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling and Guidance. I am currently training to become a registered therapist but am not currently a practicing one. (Aim to be registered early 2025 pending graduation).
SomaTherapeia agrees to maintain a high standard of practice that is ethical.The clients information and sessions will remain confidential unless SomaTherapeia believes that the client is a life threat to her/himself or others.
SomaTherapeia at times will use modalities and alternative therapies to help guide and coach the client to reach desired goals and results but ultimately the results and impact of this service is dependent on the client.The client understands his/her healing/coaching journey is one they are responsible for and that I make no promises for results.
If you get access to me by Telegram via your program I am available Mon - Fri 11am - 2.30pm here you can ask me questions (if applicable to your program) and I will answer within the day
- For any 1:1 calls in your program if applicable you must provide 24 hours notice to reschedule any coaching calls, cancellation within 12 hours will not be reschedule and will be cancelled.
- All calls are held via zoom, please be on time for our calls
- You understand that no results are guarenteed, your results come from the work you put in
- As the client, you are responsible for actively participating in the coaching process, being open and honest in your communication, and working towards your goals to maximize the benefits of coaching.
- If you are in a group program and miss our call, the replay will be loaded up to our online platform.
By signing the client understands all the above and waives all liability to Mel Jay LTD T/A SomaTherapeia for all and any sessions they have & any risks involved.
Voluntary Participation:
Consent: By signing this agreement, you confirm that you have read and understood the information provided. You voluntarily consent to participate in the coaching program and understand that you may withdraw your consent at any time.