I have read the above information carefully and have filled out this application honestly. I understand that omission of information and/or failure to answer all questions and sign the application can result in this application being declined. Also, if an omission or untruth is discovered after an adoption takes place, I understand that the rescue reserves the right to annul the adoption and reclaim the animal. I give the rescue permission to investigate the information provided, including conducting a background check, as well as contact veterinarians and related officials. I understand the adoption decision is dependent on many factors, including but not limited to the compatibility of the family and home to the individual pet, and other applications received on this pet. I understand it is the rescue's sole prerogative to decide which home is most appropriate, that my application can be denied at any time for any reason, that their decision is final and I will not contest it. It is our goal to place pets in loving, lifelong homes and any information gathered is used only to that interest.
*** Important***: Please call your veterinarian as soon as possible to authorize the release of information regarding your pets' past and current care. This step is crucial for Lost Paws to complete their due diligence in the adoption process.