Basic Information and Costs
This pilot program combines 45 minutes of remote participation in an inspired Shabbat morning service at Ikar Los Angeles with in-person exploration of Shabbat prayer and spirituality with Rabbi Dov Gartenberg. This unique combination of remote and in-person exploration enables us to experience and emulate a spiritually powerful community while building a locally beautiful gathering for Jewish prayer practices, song, and spiritual teachings.
In-Person with an Online Option.
Pilot program that meets every other Saturday morning: 9:45 to 11:45am,
Dates: 4 Sessions with option for additional sessions after March 2025. 2/15, 3/1, 3/15, 3/29
Tentative Location: Rabbi Gartenberg’s Clubhouse in SW Santa Fe.
Suggested Pre-Registration Donation for the 4 session series: $25 in-person. $45 online.