AYMKE New Student
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Have you practiced yoga before? If yes, what styles and for how long?
What are you hoping to achieve through your Ashtanga Yoga practice?
Do you have any current or past injuries, medical conditions, or physical limitations that we should be aware of?
Please silence your phone.
Inform your teacher of any injuries or conditions that might affect your yoga practice.
Shower before practice & ensure that you + your mat/accessories are clean.
Bring a small towel to help facilitate adjustments & wipe away sweat.
We recommend that you refrain from eating at least 2 hours prior to your practice.
Keep your shoes on the rugs, not the wood floor. Shoes & belongings to be stored on hooks or bench.
Our cafe opens at 9am, please be done with Savasana by 8:55am at the absolute latest.
Led Class is a mandatory sign up. If you need to cancel you must communicate that to your teacher by 1pm for Friday's class, and by 5pm on Friday for Saturday's class.
It is traditional to refrain from drinking water during your practice. Keep bottles by your belongings.
Keep your voice down & conversation to a minimum.
Stick to the traditional sequence & vinyasa. Do not skip postures without reason. Please do not practice new postures unless agreed by your teacher.
If you would not like hands-on adjustments please let us know right away.
We do not practice on new & full moons.
Have you read & agree to following our House Rules & Etiquette?
Thank you so much, we look forward to meeting you!
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