I confirm and agree that if the NPLHA, in its absolute discretion, determines that it is necessary that my horse be removed from the facility for health or safety reasons or Breech of NPLHA’s Rules,
Policy and Etiquette Handbook, revised January 21, 2015 (the “Rules”), and the NPLHA’s Bylaws and Constitution (the “Bylaws”) and Contracts, I will remove my horse from the facility within 48 hours after written notice has been provided to me. I further confirm and acknowledge that if I fail to remove my horse after 48 hours’ notice has been given, I agree to forfeit ownership of my horse to the NPLHA and understand that it will become property of the NPLHA to be destroyed or sold at its absolute discretion. And the RCMP will be contacted to remove any and all assets including Horses from the property.