Farmers, Aquaculture, Food producers, Artisans
Nonprofit organizations that work within the immediate communities of the East Bay of Rhode Island and the South Coast of Massachusetts
Applicants who are located within the New England region are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants from Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts
We do not accept MLM Companies, politically affiliated organizations, or candidates. Corporate/Promotional - can be considered as sponsorship in some cases, email us for more information.
Mount Hope Farm Farmers Market is committed to curating a community and locally-focused market. While we include as many local vendors as possible, we receive an overwhelming amount of applications each season.
As great as friendly competition is, we value our current vendor's commitment and history to our market and keep that in mind while evaluating each submitted application.
An application does not mean automatic acceptance into the market. Each application is reviewed by our application committee consisting of the Market Manager, Executive Director, and Board of Trustees of Mount Hope Farm as well as a rotating vendor and customer representatives. We consider the overall market needs, locality, quality of product, past attendance, and outside references. We are committed to maintaining a diverse community of products within an accessible and friendly environment and take the time to evaluate each application on a case-to-case basis.
Mount Hope Farm reserves the right to deny any vendor application; email any questions to: farmersmarket@mounthopefarm.org
Applicants who are not offered a space at the market will have their application fee refunded
Market Application Fee: $50 for returning vendors and new applicants.
Marketing Fee: $50 yearly fee for full-time vendor, $25 yearly fee for part-time vendor
Summer Market 2025 Hours:
Saturdays 9:00 am to 12:30 pm
NO MARKET 7/5/2025
Market Location:
The market will be held outside in South Pasture
Applications are accepted to our 2025 summer market on a rolling basis in select categories
Full-Time Vendor Rates: $850
2 installments of $425 due on May 1, 2025, and August 1, 2025
- Part-Time Vendor Rates: $45 per market (subject to change)
- Food Truck Vendors: $30 per market (subject to change)
- Nonprofit Vendors: $25 per market (subject to change)
Pre-pay your entire market fee by May 1, 2025 and save 10%.
Stall fees will not be refunded if a vendor withdraws from the market after the season has begun.
Late fees of 5% will be charged on any vendor balance over 30 days overdue.
Payments can be made via check, cash, or credit card (using the form at the bottom of this application)
You can mail your check to -
Mount Hope Farm
Attn: Market Manager
PO Box 66
Bristol, RI 02809
Market Day Timing:
o 8:00 am Vendor Arrival & Setup
o 9 am Market Opens
o 12:30 pm Market Closes
o 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Market Breakdown
Our goal is to host a market with a diversity of locally grown and produced foods, and artisan items that are excellent in quality freshness and customer appeal.
FRESH PRODUCE, HONEY, MAPLE SYRUP, EGGS, MEAT, AND FLOWERS: Over the course of the farmer’s market season, 80% of what you sell must be grown on your own farm. 100% must be sourced from farms in RI, MA, or CT.
Products sourced outside of RI, MA, CT may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. We require the display of the farm and state origins of the purchased food. Vendors must provide receipts, if requested, of the items in question.
PREPARED FOODS: Prepared foods must be licensed by the Rhode Island Department of Health. Vendors must sell at least three (3) items with ingredients grown in RI, CT, or MA. We require the display of the farm and state origins for the locally sourced ingredients at your stand each week.
ARTISANAL PRODUCTS: Our market is focused on food and agricultural products but we do encourage the sale of artisanal products as well. Handmade products crafted in Southern New England are preferred, but other products will be considered. We require the display of the farm name and state origins for the locally sourced ingredients.
PRODUCT LIST: Please submit a product list with your application. Growers should submit a list of the earliest and latest dates your products will be available at the market. The Farmers Market Manager must approve any changes to this original product list before selling additional items at the Market.
ITEMS FOR SALE: Vendors may only sell products listed on their application forms.
MARKET QUALITY: Products must meet a quality level acceptable to the Market Manager, reflecting the freshness and overall high condition of the product. The manager may ask to have products removed by a vendor if they detract from the overall quality of the market, thus affecting other market vendors' sales.
CERTIFICATION & FOOD SAFETY: Vendors must maintain all appropriate city and state licenses for their type of goods or food products, provide copies of such to Mount Hope Farm and have licenses in their booth at all times. Requirements include hand sanitizer for the public, wearing of plastic gloves, and providing a vendor waste receptacle. Vendors are responsible for removing their own waste. All product labeling shall be truthful and accurate and adhere to the requirements set forth by the State of Rhode of Island. Any claims, such as organic, pesticide-free, origin, gluten-free, free range, sugar-free, etc. must be substantiated. For full RIDOH guidelines for food prep, please see here.
SMOKING - There is no smoking allowed within the Barn. Vendors and customers who wish to smoke can do so in the designated smoking area on the property. If vendors are set up outside, smoking is not allowed in the general vicinity of vendor tents and market area, and should only smoke in the designated smoking area.
ADDITIONAL COVID-19 HEALTH and FOOD SAFETY GUIDELINES - All vendors follow current Protocols and guidelines given the state of COVID-19 in RI using guidance from RIDOH and public health officials.
PRODUCT INSURANCE, LICENSING: All vendors must carry product liability insurance and appropriate licensing from the RI Department of Health. Copies must be submitted prior to the first day of the market! Vendors will not be allowed to set up before these items are provided.
• All licenses, sales permits, sales tax information, and other requirements for the sale of any item shall be the responsibility of the vendor.
• Each vendor is responsible for meeting all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations which affect local vendors.
• Vendors must carry their own insurance with Mount Hope Farm as a certificate holder to cover them during the markets. Mount Hope Farm’s Insurance does not protect individual vendors.
• Copies of all required permits and documents must be provided to the Market Manager in the application process, and upon their renewal.
WEATHER POLICY: The Market Manager and Director decide on the cancellation of a market due to severe weather. Vendors shall be notified via email or phone prior to market setup time.
ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS: Attendance must be consistent and arranged with Market Manager. Absences must be based on the seasonality of crops or produce. Prior notice of market absence is required. There will be no refunds for an excused or unexcused absence. Two or more unexcused or last-minute cancellations may result in removal from the market schedule.
INDEMNIFICATION: Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless Mount Hope Farm from and against any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, expenses, fees, fines, penalties, suits, proceedings, actions, and costs of actions (including all attorney’s fees), of any kind or nature arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement or Vendor’s use of the space(s), sale of goods or conduct of business by Vendor, its agents, servants, employees, customers, patrons or invitees or any act or omission of Vendor, it’s agents, servants, employees, customers, patrons or invitees. The vendor is responsible for all monies collected from the sale of the Vendor’s goods. Mount Hope Farm is in no way responsible for any lost or stolen monies or items. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Rhode Island without regard to conflict of law principles and the venue for any action arising from this Agreement shall be in Bristol County, Rhode Island.
TRASH: All vendors are expected to police the area around their space. All vendors selling prepared foods must provide customers with a trash bin and all trash must be removed by each vendor and not left behind.
SIGNAGE: Every item for sale must be marked clearly with a price. Vendors must identify themselves by posting an easily read sign giving the name of the vendor’s business.
ASSIGNED SPACE: A space will be assigned to each vendor at the beginning of the season. On occasion, vendor stalls may be moved by the Market Manager. Vendors must set up and stay within the confines of their allotted space, except when otherwise directed by the Market Manager.
10X10 space, tents are required with
▪ Weighted Legs
▪ Sand Bags
▪ Provide your own table or product display
▪ Business Name or Signage
COMMUNICATION: Email is used as the primary form of communication between the Market manager and vendors.
Include a descriptive paragraph about your business in your application packet, and also email it to farmersmarket@mounthopefarm.org for use in our publicity and marketing.
Each market participant must carry liability insurance (you may have coverage under your homeowner’s policy, renter's, or business policy – please check with your insurance agent.) Please attach a copy of your certificate of insurance or a copy of your insurance policy and make a calendar note to send in your new certificate if it renews during the market season.
Please include a copy of your current Permit to Make Sales at Retail Certificate, which is renewed annually in June. Please go to www.ri.gov/taxation/BAR/ for more information on this form or to register your business.
Any prepared or processed foods must show proof of RI Dept of Health. Certification for the facility in which the product was prepared. We require the display of the farm and state origins for locally sourced ingredients. In addition, all new prepared food vendors will need to provide us with an operational plan that has been approved by RI Dept of Health.
The Market Manager has the authority to mediate when necessary and enforce the market rules. Failure to comply with the rules outlined above may result in a fine or dismissal from the Market. Each case will be treated individually with respect for precedence; vendors will be given a warning and an opportunity to respond and correct before penalties are assessed.
Causes for fine or dismissal include:
Tardiness arriving or leaving the Market
Product Fraud
Behavioral conflicts
Waste-related problems
Lack of signage
Noncompliance with RI Department of Health regulations
10X10 space, tents are required with
▪ Weighted Legs
▪ Sand Bags
▪ Provide your own table or product display
▪ Business Name or Signage
COMMUNICATION: Email is used as the primary form of communication between the Market manager and vendors.
Include a descriptive paragraph about your business in your application packet, and also email it to farmersmarket@mounthopefarm.org for use in our publicity and marketing.
Each market participant must carry liability insurance (you may have coverage under your homeowner’s policy, renter's, or business policy – please check with your insurance agent.) Please attach a copy of your certificate of insurance or a copy of your insurance policy and make a calendar note to send in your new certificate if it renews during the market season.
Please include a copy of your current Permit to Make Sales at Retail Certificate, which is renewed annually in June. Please go to www.ri.gov/taxation/BAR/ for more information on this form or to register your business.
Any prepared or processed foods must show proof of RI Dept of Health. Certification for the facility in which the product was prepared. We require the display of the farm and state origins for locally sourced ingredients. In addition, all new prepared food vendors will need to provide us with an operational plan that has been approved by RI Dept of Health.
The Market Manager has the authority to mediate when necessary and enforce the market rules. Failure to comply with the rules outlined above may result in a fine or dismissal from the Market. Each case will be treated individually with respect for precedence; vendors will be given a warning and an opportunity to respond and correct before penalties are assessed.
Causes for fine or dismissal include:
Tardiness arriving or leaving the Market
Product Fraud
Behavioral conflicts
Waste-related problems
Lack of signage
Noncompliance with RI Department of Health regulations