Books in the Barn Registration Form
Once your submission has been received and approved, you will be invoiced for payment and given your final booth assignment. Event date: August 23 2025, 10:00 - 3:00
First Name
Last Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Business Partner or Guest Name
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Website or Social Media Link
Please enter a description of your products.
This description will be cut/pasted onto my website for advertisement, so please check your wording.
Number of Booths Requesting
First choice of booths
Please Select
Booth 1
Booth 2
Booth 3
Booth 4
Booth 5
Booth 6
Booth 7
Booth 8
Booth 9
Booth 10
Booth 11
Booth 12
Booth 13
Booth 14
Booth 15
Booth 16
Booth 17
Booth 18
Booth 19
Booth 20
Booth 21
Booth 22
Booth 23
Booth 24
Booth 25
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Booth 27
Booth 28
Booth 29
Booth 30
Booth 31
Booth 32
Booth 33
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Booth 35
Booth 36
Booth 37
Booth 38
Booth 39
Booth 40
Booth 41
Booth 42
Booth 43
Booth 44
Booth 45
Booth 46
Booth 47
Booth 48
Booth 49
Booth 50
Booth 51
Outside Booth 1
Outside Booth 2
Outside Booth 3
Outside Booth 4
Outside Booth 5
Outside Booth 6
Outside Booth 7
Outside Booth 8
Second choice of booths
Please Select
Booth 1
Booth 2
Booth 3
Booth 4
Booth 5
Booth 6
Booth 7
Booth 8
Booth 9
Booth 10
Booth 11
Booth 12
Booth 13
Booth 14
Booth 15
Booth 16
Booth 17
Booth 18
Booth 19
Booth 20
Booth 21
Booth 22
Booth 23
Booth 24
Booth 25
Booth 26
Booth 27
Booth 28
Booth 29
Booth 30
Booth 31
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Booth 36
Booth 37
Booth 38
Booth 39
Booth 40
Booth 41
Booth 42
Booth 43
Booth 44
Booth 45
Booth 46
Booth 47
Booth 48
Booth 49
Booth 50
Booth 51
Outside Booth 1
Outside Booth 2
Outside Booth 3
Outside Booth 4
Outside Booth 5
Outside Booth 6
Outside Booth 7
Outside Booth 8
Third choice of booths
Please Select
Booth 1
Booth 2
Booth 3
Booth 4
Booth 5
Booth 6
Booth 7
Booth 8
Booth 9
Booth 10
Booth 11
Booth 12
Booth 13
Booth 14
Booth 15
Booth 16
Booth 17
Booth 18
Booth 19
Booth 20
Booth 21
Booth 22
Booth 23
Booth 24
Booth 25
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Booth 27
Booth 28
Booth 29
Booth 30
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Booth 38
Booth 39
Booth 40
Booth 41
Booth 42
Booth 43
Booth 44
Booth 45
Booth 46
Booth 47
Booth 48
Booth 49
Booth 50
Booth 51
Outside Booth 1
Outside Booth 2
Outside Booth 3
Outside Booth 4
Outside Booth 5
Outside Booth 6
Outside Booth 7
Outside Booth 8
Fourth choice of booths (if requesting more than 1)
Please Select
Booth 1
Booth 2
Booth 3
Booth 4
Booth 5
Booth 6
Booth 7
Booth 8
Booth 9
Booth 10
Booth 11
Booth 12
Booth 13
Booth 14
Booth 15
Booth 16
Booth 17
Booth 18
Booth 19
Booth 20
Booth 21
Booth 22
Booth 23
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Booth 25
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Booth 30
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Booth 38
Booth 39
Booth 40
Booth 41
Booth 42
Booth 43
Booth 44
Booth 45
Booth 46
Booth 47
Booth 48
Booth 49
Booth 50
Booth 51
Outside Booth 1
Outside Booth 2
Outside Booth 3
Outside Booth 4
Outside Booth 5
Outside Booth 6
Outside Booth 7
Outside Booth 8
Fifth choice of booths (if requesting more than 1)
Please Select
Booth 1
Booth 2
Booth 3
Booth 4
Booth 5
Booth 6
Booth 7
Booth 8
Booth 9
Booth 10
Booth 11
Booth 12
Booth 13
Booth 14
Booth 15
Booth 16
Booth 17
Booth 18
Booth 19
Booth 20
Booth 21
Booth 22
Booth 23
Booth 24
Booth 25
Booth 26
Booth 27
Booth 28
Booth 29
Booth 30
Booth 31
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Booth 35
Booth 36
Booth 37
Booth 38
Booth 39
Booth 40
Booth 41
Booth 42
Booth 43
Booth 44
Booth 45
Booth 46
Booth 47
Booth 48
Booth 49
Booth 50
Booth 51
Outside Booth 1
Outside Booth 2
Outside Booth 3
Outside Booth 4
Outside Booth 5
Outside Booth 6
Outside Booth 7
Outside Booth 8
Are you a new or returning vendor?
NEW VENDORS - How did you hear about being a vendor at Books in the Barn
Type of Vendor - Please select all that apply
Arts & Crafts
Direct Sales
Baked Goods and/or Produce
Should be Empty: