Westerner Days 2025- Food Vendor Application
Please note that floorplans and layouts have not been solidified for 2025, we are just in the stages of collecting vendor applications. ALL OUTDOOR FOOD TRUCKS MUST MEET FIRE REGULATIONS AND HAVE MCO PERMITS AS PER THE CITY OF RED DEER ALL INDOOR VENDORS MUST MEET FIRE AND BUILDING REGULATIONS AND HAVE MCO PERMITS AS PER THE CITY OF RED DEER
Are you applying to be an Indoor our Outdoor Vendor?
Indoor Application
Outdoor Application
Westerner Days 2025 - Outdoor Food Vendor Application
Please note that floorplans and layouts have not been solidified for 2025, we are just in the stages of collecting vendor applications. ALL OUTDOOR FOOD TRUCKS MUST MEET FIRE REGULATIONS AND HAVE MCO PERMITS AS PER THE CITY OF RED DEER
Legal Company Name
G.S.T #
Principal Owner
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Contact Person (First and Last Name) - If different than owner
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Booth Details
Covering the privilege (but not the exclusive privilege) of the following operation at the 2025 Westerner Days July 16-20, 2025, subject to the Rules, Regulations and Conditions governing the exhibits at Westerner Park which I/we acknowledge are attached hereto and form part of this agreement. This application does not guarantee space, a confirmation will be sent to each applicant upon approval.
Please list ALL menu items that you will sell in your booth with pricing (only items listed may be approved)/ Prices including gst.*Please note that other vendors may be approved and have some of the same menu items.* This is at the discretion of WP although we will make our best effort to space out or limit similar vendors.
Booth Length
Booth Length in ft. (from bumper to hitch) including hitches, awnings, shutters, doors etc (LONG)*This will be the space we are assuming your windows are on*
Insert Length
Booth Width
Booth Width in ft. (WIDE)
Insert Width
Booth Height
Booth Height in ft. (including hitches, awnings, shutters, doors etc.) (HIGH)
Insert Height
Do you have more than one side of your unit with serving windows? (please describe and submit a picture below)
Do you require space on Westerner Park Grounds for stock storage either a truck, trailer or tent (space is limited)?
If yes, what type of storage and what are the measurements? Need storage truck measurements in FT (Length X Width).
*Westerner Park cannot guarantee that your storage truck will be in close proximity to your food trailer.*
Any special requirements for move in day? (forklift, ball-pin etc)
What discount will you be offering volunteers from the event if any. (item and/or price)
Additional Information
References #1 - Please submit show name, year, contact information below
References #2 - Please submit show name, year, contact information below
Vendors will not be considered if they do not send photo's of their unit with their application. When submitting photo's please email to bweinrauch@westernerpark.ca with email subject as "Company Name" Mobile Food Unit Photo's
By checking this box you are acknowledging you have submitted your photos of interior and exterior to Brianna by email.
I have submitted my photos to Brianna
Additional Comments
If you have any questions or concerns with the application please visit the FAQ section on our website www.westernerdays.ca/foodvendors or email bweinrauch@westernerpark.ca
Westerner Days 2025 - Indoor Food Vendor Application
Please note that floorplans and layouts have not been solidified for 2025, we are just in the stages of collecting vendor applications. ALL INDOOR VENDORS MUST MEET FIRE AND BUILDING REGULATIONS AND HAVE MCO PERMITS AS PER THE CITY OF RED DEER
Legal Company Name
G.S.T #
Principal Owner (First and Last Name)
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Contact Person (First and Last Name) - If different than owner
First Name
Last Name
Full Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip Code
Contact Email
Booth Details
Covering the privilege (but not the exclusive privilege) of the following operation at the 2025 Westerner Days July 16-20, 2025, subject to the Rules, Regulations and Conditions governing the exhibits at Westerner Park which I/we acknowledge are attached hereto and form part of this agreement. This application does not guarantee space, a confirmation will be sent to each applicant upon approval.
Please list ALL menu items that you will sell in your booth with pricing (only items listed may be approved)/ Prices including gst.
*Please note that other vendors may be approved and have some of the same menu items.* This is at the discretion of WP although we will make our best effort to space out or limit similar vendors.
Booth Length
Booth Length in ft. (from bumper to hitch) including hitches, awnings, shutters, doors etc (LONG)*This will be the space we are assuming your windows are on*
Insert Length
Booth Width
Booth Width in ft. (WIDE)
Insert Width
Booth Height
Booth Height in ft. (including hitches, awnings, shutters, doors etc) (HIGH)
Insert Height
Do you have more than one side of your unit with serving windows? (please describe and submit a picture below)
Do you require space on Westerner Park Grounds for stock storage either a truck, trailer or tent (space is limited)?
If yes, what type of storage and what are the measurements? Need storage truck measurements in FT (Length X Width).
*Westerner Park cannot guarantee that your storage truck will be in close proximity to your food trailer.*
Any special requirements for move in day? (forklift, ball-pin etc)
What discount will you be offering volunteers from the event if any. (item and/or price)
Additional Information
Reference One
Show Name
Full Name of Reference
Year of Show
Reference Phone
Reference Email
Reference Two
Show Name
Full Name of Reference
Year of Show
Reference's Phone Number
Reference's Email
Vendors will not be considered if they do not send photo's of their unit with their application. When submitting photo's please email to bweinrauch@westernerpark.ca with email subject as "Company Name" Mobile Food Unit Photo's
By checking this box you are acknowledging you have submitted your photos of interior and exterior to Brianna by email.
I have submitted my photos to Brianna
Additional Comments
If you have any questions or concerns with the application please email bweinrauch@westernerpark.ca
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