Basic Information and Costs
One distinctive feature of Jewish tradition and culture is a love of text study. The Jews have lots of sacred texts, Torah, Bible, Mishneh, Midrash, Talmud, Kabbalah, Halachah. Rabbi Dov will share the richest, mind-blowing texts across various Jewish text genres to engage participants in their implications for our times and our lives. This course is great for EJE graduates and for anyone interested in engaging the deeper structures and meanings of Judaism beyond an introductory presentation of Judaism. The course will also introduce participants to some of the great text teachers living and beyond the grave across the Jewish world such as A. J. Heschel, Lord Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi Art Green.
Instructor: Rabbi Dov Gartenberg.
Tuesdays evening: 6:45 to 8:00 pm. 10 Sessions. January 28th through April 8th 2025.
Online with an In-Person Option in Albuquerque.
Registration before January 24th: $36
Registration after January 24th: $54