The Community Impact project component of the Leadership Northeast experience is meant to serve several purposes. Classmates work together to design and execute a project that fulfills a community need. In doing so, participants utilize the leadership development skills they have learned throughout the year, while making a positive impact on their community.
Although Project Advisors provide guidance, these projects are participant-driven from beginning to end. Project teams brainstorm ideas at their first meeting and then work together to see it through.
Project teams are designed to make the process challenging. Participants must work through their differences of opinion, behavior and perspectives and find a common ground. Learning how to bring people together, despite these differences, in order accomplish something extraordinary is the true definition of Leadership.
Between the Core, Junior and Impact programs, Leadership Northeast participants complete upwards of 40 projects a year, collaborating with other nonprofits, schools, government and community organizations. After 43 years in the business, the ripple effect of these projects is vast, and the lessons learned invaluable.