Please read the five positional statements of the Infinite Worth Project in their entirety:
Statement on Abortion
1. It is our position that every abortion claims an innocent life.
2. We are painfully aware of the trauma surrounding pregnancies related to rape,
incest, deformities of the developing child, and/or health risks to the mother. We exist, in part, to provide helpful intervention in such cases, but we do not find abortion to be either effective or morally acceptable as a method of reducing such trauma. In those extremely rare cases where continued pregnancy is expected to precipitate the mother’s immediate and literal death, we encourage the parties involved to prayerfully consider the gravity of their decision and the merit of available alternatives.
Statement on Birth Control
1. For far too long, the emphasis has been on birth control instead of self-control and personal responsibility. We believe that sex can only be safe and loving within the context of a permanent, marital relationship and that, outside of this context, self-control is the best option.
2. So long as people engage in sexual relationships outside of marriage, there will
continue to be great numbers of unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted
diseases, and broken lives.
3. Much of the difficulty encountered in confronting the problems of promiscuity and
out-of-wedlock pregnancy stems from a paradox engendered by the birth control
establishment. Though people are taught that sex outside of marriage is
inconsequential, they sense its profound significance and so feel both permission
and a deep desire to become sexually active. This has produced ever–higher rates of out-of-wedlock sexuality, pregnancy, abortion, and disease–the very problems that expensive, tax-funded programs promised to prevent.
4. Furthermore, married couples who are considering whether or not to use any method of family planning are encouraged to review the many options with a like-minded physician.
5. Our staff does not refer or provide birth control.
Statement of Faith. We Believe:
1. In one triune God: In God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. In Jesus Christ our Lord, the only Son of God who, for our sake, became a man, was crucified, died and rose again to sit at the right hand of the Father and who shall come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. In the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life who has spoken through the prophets and guides until the end of time.
2. Through His infinite mercy, God offers us salvation only through faith in Jesus Christ.
3. That all Scripture is God-breathed.
4. That God created man in His image, male and female He created them, to be fruitful and multiply.
5. That the people of God, the Church, are to keep God’s commandments, pray for one another and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In working together to strengthen the people of God, so that all may be one and thus help convince the world that Jesus Christ was sent by the Father Almighty.
6. Children are a gift of God, human life begins at conception also known as fertilization, all humans are created with the right to life, and we are called to aid the least among us.
Statement of Principle. All services are provided on this basis:
1. We are determined to reach clients where they spend their time, in the moment of
need, in the way they feel most comfortable. This is how we “go unto all the earth.”
2. We believe that relationship is the conduit through which love is shared with the clients no matter the timing, communication channel, or circumstances. This is how we effectively “love our neighbor.”
3. We believe in the power of continued relationship through local pregnancy centers
and it will be enhanced with seamless client transfers. This is how we honor the body of Christ.
4. We believe that all humans are infinitely valuable from the moment of conception
onwards and that they are created with a dignity given to them by their creator. This is how we honor God’s creation.
5. We believe that, in all cases of unintended pregnancies, a solution should be sought which equally values the mother and unborn child and allows them both to live and thrive. We will never recommend, facilitate, or refer for abortion or abortifacients. This is how we are called to “aid the least among us.”
6. We believe that we should do all things for the glory of God and that each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in a way that shows God’s Truth and Love. We are called to counsel and redirect with compassion, gentleness, and respect, keeping a clear conscience and always telling the truth. We are to love one another as Jesus Christ loved us. This love is patient and kind, not insisting on its own way, not arrogant, not rude, but rejoicing in the truth. This is how we submit to God’s will in our actions.
7. We are called to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ without passing judgment on disputable matters and receiving those whose faith is weak without offending. However, we should always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks the
reason for the hope in salvation that we have. This is how we serve God.
Statement of Culture
1. The team members at Infinite Worth work together to redirect the abortion vulnerable from fear–to knowledge–to hope by providing tools and resources which point toward the right and Godly choice. This mission is accomplished through a team culture that values both truth and love in our internal and external
2. Our team members value each other based on the truth that all are of equal infinite value according to God’s sacrifice. This truth expresses itself in love
that is slow to take offense, quick to forgive, and always considering what is best for each other. We value truthful interaction that is marinated in loving concern and look for ways to challenge each other in fulfilling our mission.
3. Our team members also value our partner centers as we seamlessly redirect the abortion vulnerable to their care. We partner withother pro-life organizations by providing professional services that make an impact both now and for eternity. We
show our partners concern, compassion, understanding, and excellent service because we are struggling together to bring God’s love and truth to this world.
4. Finally, we recognize the importance of our work as we come under God’s teaching that each human being is valuable. We know the infinite worth of the unborn, the inherent beauty of each mother, the importance of every father, and the value of the elderly soul. We work together in grace and truth to save and change lives because each life is valuable to God.