By SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, I agree to terms & conditions.
(A) This is an optional installment payment program offered in good faith to you and is not provided through BNI and/or its affiliates. As such, you agree to hold SuccessNet, LLC dba BNI Atlanta, BNI® and its representatives harmless, for any damages that may result as part of processing payments under this program. SuccessNet, LLC, is authorized to bill your bank/charge account for the above payment plan. You/Payor are authorized to sign/pay via the payment method selected and accept all liability and responsibility for agreed to payments under this program. You assume responsibility for informing the BNI Atlanta Regional Office of any changes to the payment account prior to the monthly payment date selected above.
(B) BNI fees are non-refundable without exception per the BNI Membership Agreements once the membership application is accepted by the chapter’s membership committee. Payor is responsible for all payments regardless of member resignation or termination from the chapter or payor’s employment. We reserve the right to collect the full balance due if the member leaves BNI. Membership is based on a one or two-year commitment per the BNI option you select, regardless of payment option selected. Membership transfers are not permitted unless balance is paid off in full (including incurred fees).
(C) Any fees incurred as a result of processing these payments due to charges from your financial institution will be processed when incurred. Failed installment payments will be assessed a $10 service fee. Payments not made by the 1st of the month will be considered late and incur a $25 per month late payment fee; payments later than 45 days will result in termination of membership unless all incurred fees and balance due are paid in full within 7 days of final notice.
(D) The Easy Pay options include a monthly service fee, which is included as part of each processed monthly payment. Payments are to be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT/ACH) via the bank account associated with the check provided for the initial payment or charged to the charge account provided via the online link provided by the regional office. Unless otherwise notified in writing, all transactions will be processed on/about the 10th of the month. There is no prepayment penalty. To pay off the balance due, including incurred fees, you will need to contact the regional office to determine current payoff balance.