Sylvan Verona Beach Resort Association (OLESMA)
1. Vendor spots will be located as directed by the vendor coordinator.
2. All vendors must cease sales at the time posted for show end each day. All fixtures, vehicles, etc. Must be removed from the park no later than 8 p.m. at the end of the event.
3. Once a vendor is approved, they are approved for the season, IF AND ONLY the type of merchandise being sold does not change. Any changes in the merchandise being sold must be resubmitted to the SVBRA for approval no later than 48 business hours before the event.
4. Vendors are NOT allowed to "share" a space.
5. No Refunds will be given once a vendor has been approved and payment has been submitted.
6. All persons and activities must comply with all applicable Village, State, County, and Federal laws and statutes.
7. Vehicles may enter the park at the minimum amount necessary to load or unload displays or other approved items. ** Only Certain Locations have the ability to enter the green. Vehicles may be parked in the south end of the village's main parking lot for free. A copy of the parking pass must be displayed on the vehicle dash.
8. All vendors, performers, concessionaires, etc., must take all their garbage out. Visitors or residents may only use village waste containers.
9. No shrubbery, trees, benches, waste containers, or other park property shall be moved or disturbed.
10. No food or drinks are allowed for sale in the park without specific authorization. Alcohol beverages may not be consumed, possessed, or offered by anyone in the park if approved.
Food Vendors Must provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the following as additionally insured: The Village of Sylvan Beach 808 Marina Drive Sylvan Beach, NY 13157, and OLESMA, Inc. PO Box 515 Sylvan Beach, NY 13157. Minimum limit of $1,000,000 occurrence/$ 2,000,000 aggregate. Along with this, a 30-day Notice of Cancellation.
11. No gambling is allowed in the Park. You may not collect information about guests and raffle something at a later date.
12. All vendor activities, musical performances, etc., are prohibited after 11:00 p.m.
13. The SVBRA reserves the right to prohibit the use or further use by any vendor or activity that violates the conditions of use or is not in the Village's best interests. This determination can be made by the SVBRA, Mayor, Village Administrator, or Codes Enforcement Officer.