Thank you for your interest in working with the Ministry of Education of Uzbekistan. Before submitting your application, please read all the information carefully so you understand the requirements:
Step 1 - Download and Complete in FULL the SeekTeachers CV Template (View Example)
Step 2 - Read all the points below so you are clear on what you are applying for:
- This project is to teach local students in Uzbekistan public schools.
- A fresh graduate with a degree in the same teaching subject is welcome to apply
- The salary package is as follows:
- Salary Range: $1000 - $2000 USD per month based on qualifications and experience (12% TAX rate)
- FREE private housing
- FREE medical Insurance
- Flight allowance of $1200 reimbursed ($600 with the 1st Salary and $600 at the end)
- Visa cost reimbursed (approx $275 USD for a year visa or <$275 if less than 1 year visa)
- No utility allowance is provided
- No transportation allowance is provided
- If appointed, you MUST be ready to join ASAP.
- No tuition fees are covered for this project.
- If appointed, you agree to pay for your visa and will be reimbursed on your first pay.
- If appointed, you agree to book your flight to Uzbekistan and will be reimbursed up to $1200 for a return flight
- You must have an up-to-date police check and excellent references on letterhead to apply.
- If you are bringing family members, you will bear all expenses to bring them over.