自古以來,天和地,在以農立國的中國人來說,具有無比的創造力、影響力。民間宗教如道教, 大部份都把天當作是宇宙的主宰神,即為俗稱的元始天尊 —天公所統理。農曆正月初九日,是一般所流傳的天公誕辰,人們於此日要備辦豐富的牲禮祈福。在佛教則以「禮拜供養三寶,請諸天吃齋」為其主要意義的法會,稱為「供佛齋天」,為開年後最重要的第一個法會。「供佛」就是供養佛、法、僧三寶,「齋天」就是禮請二十四席諸天及其侍從天,以酥酡妙味供養十方三寶、護法龍天之殊勝法會。
佛寶 — 福德具足 所求如願 無量福聚 證得佛果。
法寶 — 智慧增長 吉祥如意 圓滿自在 得妙智慧
僧寶 — 眷屬和諧 福慶遂心 得八善利 得大禪定
In Chinese folk religions such as Daoism, most consider heaven as the god controlling the universe, commonly known as the heavenly king. It is popular belief that the ninth day of the first lunar month is the birthday of the heavenly king, and people should prepare a feast as an offering to pray for blessings. In Buddhism, the Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Guardians Dharma Service is the major Dharma service of the Chinese New Year with the purpose of paying homage and making offerings to the Triple Gem, and at the same time, inviting the celestial guardians to share in the feast.
Offering to the Buddhas means to worship the Triple Gem while offering to the celestial guardians means to pay respect to the heavenly Dharma Guardians. Buddhists take refuge in the Triple Gem, not in celestial guardians, however, we do pay our respect to them as most celestial guardians have taken refuge in the Buddha and have vowed to protect and prolong the Dharma. There are twenty four celestial beings who are considered protectors of Buddhism. Therefore, in hopes for having a safe year, Buddhists not only pay sincere gratitude to the Triple Gems, they also pay remembrance to the protection received from the celestial guardians.
Supporting of the Triple Gem will generate immeasurable merits. Celestial guardians will thus reward sincere devotion and offerings with limitless blessings and constant protection.