No person shall:
• Sell or distribute anything at the Market except in accordance with the Vendor Agreement or as sanctioned by the Market Organizer;
• Sell a product that is not a high-quality, wholesome product, as determined by the Market Organizer;
• Sell or distribute anything from tables or display shelving that are not clean, neat and safe as determined by the Market Organizer;
• Sell fresh or cured meat, fresh or smoked fish, poultry, cheese or other prepared foods intended for consumption except with the express approval of the appropriate health regulator/agency/Ministry;
• Sell or distribute any homemade or commercially produced food products without a label indicating the producer’s name and address;
• Sell or distribute food products except that which can be conveniently washed, without the products being covered by wax paper or other covering to protect the product from flies, dust, or other contamination;
•Place any food so that it may be subjected to pollution from animals, birds or any other source unless authorized by the Market Organizer;
•Expose or offer for sale at the Market any items which are in any way unsound, unsafe or unfit for human handling, consumption, considered second grade goods, or which fail to conform to applicable health protection grading or packaging legislation and regulations thereunder.
•All vendors of food products must familiarize themselves and comply with the Ontario Health & Safety Information and Guidelines.
•Food Vendors MUST have their names, farm location, and product names posted prominently in their booth.
•Food product descriptions shall contain no misleading information. Proper labelling and signage with POINT OF ORIGIN is required for all food products as per the Ontario Food Safety guidelines.
•Certification is REQUIRED for all products labelling ORGANIC. A written statement and documentation of farming practices is required.
•It is against the law to sell uninspected meats, unpasteurized milk, or ungraded eggs.
•Market food vendors must continue to ensure that the food is manufactured, processed, prepared, stored, handled, displayed, distributed, transported, sold or offered for sale in a manner that ensures the product is not a health hazard. Vendors not able to meet this requirement may receive notice from the Lambton Health & Safety board and may be subject to removal from the Market by the Community Services Department.
•Food vendors must inform Public Health Units in advance when they plan to begin operating. The LPHU food safety form must be submitted and approved.
•For Prepared Food Items - products must clearly state the vendor’s name and applicable address, ingredients and size (weight, count, volume as necessary) as required by all applicable health regulations. Compliance with these regulations is the sole responsibility of the vendor. The Watford Summer Market Market cannot beheld liable for mislabeled food products.
•Food vendors will sell ONLY high-quality products that comply with health regulations. If a product does not meet overall market standards for quality and freshness, the Market Organizer reserves the right to request that the product be withdrawn from the booth immediately.
•ALL Food Vendors will be required to submit their LPHU Special Events Food Vendor Form as part of their vendor application. Food Vendors who fail to meet the LPHU food safety requirements will not be approved as vendors.
•Vendors selling food products are REQUIRED to submit a copy of their insurance policy to the Watford Summer Market