· Doors will open at 7:30AM, the day of pageant. Door admission is $5 for everyone over 3 years of age, except contestants. (CASH ONLY) Visiting Queens are admitted free with crown and banner.
· Photogenic entries (only 1 photo) should be turned in the day of the pageant during registration. Please label the back of the photo with the contestant’s first name and age. (No picture frames and no cell phone pictures.) The photo should be no larger than 8X10 and may be color or black and white.
· DRESSING ROOMS: No males will be allowed in the dressing rooms at any time. NO exceptions. Please keep the dressing rooms clean by disposing of all trash.
· Scores will not be posted at the pageant. Scores will be emailed to the email address provided on entry form within 2 weeks after the pageant.
· Contestants must compete in the division for their age according to the date of the pageant. If the contestant’s age is questioned, parents must provide a copy of birth certificate to prove date of birth. If any information on the application is false, contestants will be required to forfeit any prizes/title won to the pageant director and will be banned from future Queen of Pink pageants. 2024 Royalty may compete if they age up into the next division with the exception of Miss, MS, Lady, and Classic divisions. Any past MS, Lady, Survivor, or Classic contestants may recompete in their division 5 years after they crown their successor.
· Pageant hair and makeup is allowed, but not required and must be age appropriate. NO GLITZ! Fake eyelashes are allowed for ages 9 and up but are not required. Judges will be told to judge according to the child’s age. The dress code must be adhered to. The dress does NOT have to be pink.
· Modeling will be basic “T” formation with 3 X’s in front of the judges. Judging will be on beauty, attire, personality(0-3)/modeling(4&up), and overall appearance. Miss contestants will also be judged on introduction. Judges Decisions are FINAL!
· Any questions or concerns, please address the directors personally. Bad sportsmanship or any disrespect to Judges, Pageant Directors and helpers, or other contestants/visitors will not be tolerated. You will be disqualified and told to leave without a refund.
· Karen Latiolais Sonnier will be available for pictures. All 2025 Royalty are required to have an official photo taken.
· The 2025 Miss Queen of Pink (ages 17-21) will be contracted. Miss Queen will not be able to compete for or represent any other title & crown and must return to crown her successor at the conclusion of her reign. The Miss Queen will receive a $500.00 scholarship at the end of her reign provided the terms of her contract have been met. A copy of the contract will be available to be reviewed at any time before the pageant. Miss Queen CANNOT be married, divorced, or pregnant and MUST NOT get married or become pregnant during her reign. Contract MUST be signed by newly crowned queen immediately following the pageant. FAILURE TO SIGN CONTRACT WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION; THEREFORE, MAKING THE FIRST ALTERNATE THE NEW QUEEN!
· 9 year and older royalty will be partially contracted. They will represent their Queen of Pink title and will not compete for another title from the time of crowning until after October 4, 2025. They may hold a previous title when competing as long as it does not conflict with the Queen of Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Benefit on October 4, 2025.
· All 2025 Queen of Pink Royalty must sign an agreement that they will sell at least 50 raffle tickets for the Queen of Pink Organization and promote and attend the Queen of Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Benefit on October 4, 2025, in Lake Charles, LA, and will be properly dressed, groomed and behaved while representing the Queen of Pink Organization at all times during her reign and abide by the conditions of this contract or she will forfeit her title and all prizes to the Pageant Committee. Please contact the directors for a copy of the contract to review.
· We are collecting donations for the Water’s Edge Food Pantry. Cereals and peanut butter are especially needed, but all donations are appreciated. For each item donated you will be given a ticket to be put in a drawing for door prizes.
If you have any questions, please email
Or text Joyce Bennett at 337-842-1448 or Jenna Amy Bennett at 337-540-5124