Crew Level Racing Quiz
This quiz is open-book and has no time limit. 20/25 points (80%) or higher is required to pass.
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1. Which document provides race competitors with a diagram of the racing area?
A. RRS - Racing Rules of Sailing
B. NOR - Notice of Race
C. SI's - Sailing Instructions
D. ROTR - Rules of the Road
2. Who is responsible for a race boat on the race course?
A. PRO - Principal Race Officer
B. Commodore of the Yacht Club
C. The boat's skipper
D. The Coast Guard
3. At the dock before the race, crew should...
A. Fill up with fuel
B. Complete the pre-sail and pre-race checklists
C. Pump out the holding tank
D. Coil all the lines
4. The rules of the road apply to:
A. Cruising boats only
B. Racing boats only
C. Commercial Traffic Only
D. All vessels on the high seas
5. Where will you find the correct VHF Channel to listen to for race committee communications?
A. Sailing Instructions on the organizing Yacht Club's website
B. Waggoner Cruising Guide
C. Vessel checklist
D. US Coast Guard Website
6. At what wind speed are spinnakers prohibited from being flown on Seattle Sailing Club boats, based on the maximum allowable threshold?
A. 12 kts
B. 15 kts
C. 18 kts
D. 25 kts
7. Your race starts....
A. 5 minutes after your Class Flag goes up
B. 4 minutes after Prep Flag (Blue Peter) goes up
C. 1 minute after Prep Flag (Blue Peter) comes down
D. All of the above apply
8. Unless stated by the race committee, mark roundings are determined by…
A. Each boat's tactics
B. The color of the mark
C. The side of your boat the Pin is on when crossing the starting line
D. The side of the boat the Committee Boat is on crossing the starting line
9. A race is over when:
A. The time limit is exceeded
B. All boats have finished
C. PRO abandons the race
D. Any of the above
10. If you are early for the start you score will read:
11. When tacking, why do we turn the boat first and then move, both skipper and crew?
A. There is no need to rush
B. It slows down the tack if you move early
C. It can be difficult to pass the tiller behind your back mid-maneuver
D. All of the above
12. What is the primary concern when sailing on a run?
A. Jib could collapse
B. Main could sit on the shrouds
C. An accidental gybe
D. All of the above
13. What information would help you determine if it’s appropriate to go sailing today?
A. Racing Handbook
B. Marine weather forecast
C. Local sailing magazines
D. Coast Guard guidelines
14. What is a potential danger area when hoisting/dropping sails?
A. Deck
B. Cockpit
C. Mast
D. All of the above
15. What is the primary purpose of the mainsheet?
A. Controlling speed
B. Steering
C. Controlling power and balance
D. Changing the sail's angle of attack
16. How do jib leads, or "cars," affect the jib?
A. Moving them can help all the telltales fly together
B. Moving them changes twist in the jib
C. Moving them changes jib depth
D. All of the above
17. Which of the below is expected of the crew after a race?
A. Scrub and wash down your boat's exterior
B. Post-race debrief with the team
C. Submit a post-sail checklist
D. All of the above
18. You are on the first leg of a windward/leeward race, aka the "windward leg." Your most common maneuver during that leg will be:
A. Gybing
B. Tacking
C. Ducking other boats
D. Feathering sails
19. A starboard layline is defined as...
A. The jibsheet on the boat's starboard side
B. The rhumbline
C. A course that will bring you closest to the windward mark such that you can round the mark to port without touching the mark
D. The line between the starting mark and the windward mark
20. A boat that is conducting a port rounding is...
A. Turning around such that the mark passes by the port side of the boat
B. Turning around such that the mark passes by the starboard side of the boat
C. Rounding the buoy that brings you into the marina
D. Passing a bottle of port wine around at a party
21. You are crew on a boat racing on a starboard tack, sitting on the port rail, and notice a port tacker coming your way on a potential collision course, obscured from the skipper by the sails. You do not know if your skipper or driver have seen the port tacker. You should...
A. Ignore it, your boat has right of way so no action is needed
B. Yell "starboard!" at the port tack boat, so they know you have right of way
C. Inform the skipper of the port tack boat
D. Yell "port!" at the port tack boat, so they know they do not have right of way
22. You are on the second leg of a windward/leeward race, aka the "downwind leg." Your most common maneuver during that leg will be...
A. Gybing
B. Tacking
C. Ducking other boats
D. Feathering sail
23. Your boat is approaching a mark and it is inevitable that your side of the boat will collide side by side with another boat. You are sitting on the rail. You should...
A. Use your hands and feet to fend off the other boat, to prevent damage to your boat
B. Board the other boat and take their trophies
C. Yell at the other boat to let them know they are wrong
D. Bring hands and feet inboard to avoid injury
24. A "lift" in regards to racing is defined as...
A. The equipment used to pull a boat out of the water
B. A shift in the wind direction that points the boat closer to the mark
C. A shift in the wind direction that points the boat further away from the mark
D. A shift in the wind direction that causes the boat to go faster
25. A "header" in regards to racing is defined as...
A. When someone falls overboard
B. A shift in the wind direction that points the boat closer to the mark
C. A shift in the wind direction that points the boat further away from the mark
D. A shift in the wind direction that causes the boat to go faster
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