RAO Bylaws Section 4.0: Members of the Association shall consist of Professional and Associate members.
A. Professional Membership Level
1. Advanced Reflexology Practitioner:
a. Open to any person or school who can show education and experience in the profession of reflexology.
2. Reflexology Practitioner:
a. 200+ hours of documented reflexology training,
b. Or certified by ARCB,
c. Or graduation from a program facilitated by an NCRE credited educator.
3. Retired Reflexologist:
a. Past RAO Advanced Reflexology Practitioner or Reflexology Practitioner member.
4. Reflexology School
a. The school’s owner must also be a professional member of RAO.
b. Note: Schools do not vote or hold office but the owner may.
B. Associate Membership Level
1. Reflexologists who do not meet any of the Professional Levels:
a. Less than 200 hours or not ARCB certified.
2. Student:
a. Any individual pursuing an education in reflexology.
3. Supporter:
a. Any individual, organization or business entity that desires to support the growth and development of the reflexology profession.
Section 4.1: Privileges and Restrictions
A. Professional Membership
1. Help set policy.
2. Use the logo in their business of Reflexology.
3. Receive newsletters.
4. Attend all functions of the Association-sponsored events.
5. Sit on committees.
6. Vote on issues before the assembly.
7. Hold office.
B. Associate Membership
1. Receive newsletters.
2. Attend all functions of the Association-supported events.
3. Sit on committees.
Article V, Section 5.0: Dues
The Board members shall review the membership dues annually and suggest proposed adjustments.
A. Members will be notified at least six weeks prior to any proposed changes.
B. Membership dues are set by the RAO Board. The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
C. June 1 through June 30 is the renewal time for dues. If the Association has not received a member’s dues by July 31, all benefits and privileges will cease.
D. Any membership dues for first time members received January 1 of the year or subsequent will be at half rate.