Whether you attend the in-person Discussion Groups or not, selected stories from all submissions are likely to be discussed in any of the four groups. The story owner will of course remain anonymous if they wish.
This will help the the group think about and discuss what system changes are needed in order to improve these experiences.
We’ll look at common themes and discuss how moments could have been happier or more difficult if something had been different in that moment. We believe that openness reduces shame and fosters understanding of things that need to change.
All stories will be read. We may edit stories slightly for readability, and in-line with guidelines from the Samaritans. We will always try and edit as little as possible; it’s important to us that your own words come across.
Identifiable information, potentially libellous content, or hate speech will be removed.
All stories will help in a re-design aiming to improve patient experience and outcomes. For example:
- Your story will contribute to a thematic report to inform the Strategic programme for Mental Health in Wales.
- Your story is likely to be included and discussed at some or all of the four story sharing discussion groups.
- Once you’ve sent your story, it will also be shared with NHS Wales for this project; they will hold on to your story to help them make the case for any changes that are needed, and they may share your anonymous story with others too as part of that improvement work.