The Scientific Committee invites authors to submit their abstracts for oral and poster presentations in the English language only.
Abstract submission is open until March 2, 2025
Notification of abstracts acceptance: March 30, 2025
The Scientific Committee will inform the authors by e-mail about the abstract acceptance (or rejection).
Best abstracts chosen by Scientific Committee for oral presentation will be published in exstenso in Cardiologa Croatica. The others will be published in Cardiologa Croatica and presented in form of moderated e-posters.
- Heading – it should contain the contents of the paper in a clear, informative and condensed manner; please do not use abbreviations, formulas and protected names
- Name first names and surnames and ORCID identifiers ( of all authors
- Underline the first name and surname of the author that will present the abstract
- Names and full postal addresses of institutions of all authors
- Electronic mail address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author
- Abstract – maximum length of the abstract is 350 words
- Table and/or image – may be an integral part of the abstract. Legend of the image/table and the table must be sent in the English language.
- Keywords – 3-10 words (desirable up to 5) that are crucial for quick identification and classification of the paper – according to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Journal (Index Medicus) –
- Literature – it is possible to include up to 4 references. Cardiologia Croatica uses the Vancouver citation style. References are numbered according to their first citation in the text using Arabic numerals in superscript, e.g. ¹,²⁻⁴. In the reference sections, references are listed according to the order in which they appear in the text. Instructions for citing literature can be downloaded at the webpages of the National Library of Medicine Citing Medicine:
After receiving the congress abstract and ORCID identifiers of all authors, the submitted text will be checked with professional plagiarism detection tools. After that, the congress abstract will be sent for review.
It is assumed that all authors of the manuscript are in agreement regarding publication and that no part of the manuscript has been published or is under review in another journal prior to publication in Cardiologia Croatica.
Abstracts are to be prepared in English, in the Microsoft Word format, using font Times New Roman, size of letters 12pt, normal style, single line spacing, justified alignment, margins 2.5 cm.
Finished abstract (saved as a document surname_first name.docx) is to be uploaded in the following form.
The Scientific Committee shall review all reported abstracts and send its decision to the electronic mail of the corresponding author.