Texas School Charities has a two-fold mission:
1. To provide educational scholarships for current and future entrepreneurs.
2. To facilitate positive change in communities across the US. For 2025, TSC is working with four initiatives--Photography Camps for Children, Photographic therapies for Veterans with PTSD, support the mission of So Many Angels, a charitable organization providing photography for children with cancer and other life-threatening medical diagnoses and transforming them into whatever and whoever they want to be AND lastly, providing manpower (photographers) and financial assistance to "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" (NILMDTS) which gifts remembrance photography to parents whose child does not have a long life expectancy.
We accomplish this mission using funds raised during The Give Back--a ticketed auction created to harness the giving power of the 1,000 professional photographers who gather yearly for a week of continuing education. People come from all over the country for this event and represent all demographics.
Donated items will be featured with a physical display in the Texas School Charities booth at the trade show all week. Any promotional material or samples provided will be displayed as well.
Please try to have items delivered to a Texas School Charities Board or committee member by April 15th, 2025. If you are planning to attend Texas School, please photograph your item for us, upload images to the specifications below and bring the item to the TSC booth (Ballroom level) on the morning of Sunday, April 27th. Please make arrangements with Cat Threadgill catreadgill@gmail.com, Julie Schellete julie@juliereneeimages.com, Melissa Digue at melissadigueportrait@gmail.com, or Kathy Norwood at kathy581009@gmail.com for pickup, if needed.
Thank you so much for your generous contributions to Texas School Charities!