Please check which shifts you can be available for.
(We understand availability may change. Please fill out as accurately as you are able)
ADMIN ASSISTANT: Hours will be full time beginning in early June through July 14th.
BEVERAGE BARTENDERS: Shifts will start 1 hour before park opens and/or 1 hour before arena gates open (arena gates open 1 hour before arena event). For example, if the park opens at 4:30pm and the arena gates open at 6pm for the 7pm rodeo, then first shift will start at 3:30pm and the latest shift will start at 5pm.
BAR BACKS: There are no day shifts available for Bar Backs. If you are applying for a bar back position, please mark your PM availability.
Greeley Stampede Schedule:
Wed. June 25th- 7pm Xtreme Bulls
Thurs. June 26th- 7pm PRCA Rodeo #1 (military night)
Fri. June 27th- 8pm SuperStars Concert #1
Sat. June 28th- 1pm PRCA Rodeo #2, 8pm SuperStars Concert #2
Sun. June 29th- 1pm PRCA Rodeo #3, 8pm SuperStars Concert #3
Mon. June 30th- 7pm PRCA Rodeo #4 (Tough enough to wear pink night)
Tues. July 1st- 7pm PRCA Rodeo #5 (first responders night, semi-finals)
Wed. July 2nd- 7pm PRCA Rodeo Finals
Thurs. July 3rd- 8pm SuperStars Concert #4
Fri. July 4th- 9am Parade, 7pm Americal Bullfighting, 9:30 pm Fireworks, 9:45 Park stage concert
Sat. July 5th- 1pm Heritage of Mexico Rodeo, 8pm SuperStars Concert #5
Sun. July 6th- 4pm Demolition Derby