Erectile Dysfunction Consultation
Note:ED Consult is subject to a $99 fee
Desired Treament Location
San Antonio
Legal First & Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Phone Number
(Area Code) Phone Number
Email Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
African American
Middle Eastern
Native American
Height (Feet)
Height (Inches)
Weight (Pounds)
List Any/All Medical History
List Any/All Surgical History
List Any/All Medications
List Prescription & OTC Vitamins/Supplements
List Any Medication Allergies
How do you rate your CONFIDENCE that you could get & keep an erection?
Please Select
1, Very Low
2, Low
3, Moderate
4, High
5, Very High
When you had erections with sexual stimulation, How OFTEN were your erections hard enough for penetration(entering your partner)?
Please Select
0, No Sexual Activity
1, Almost Never
2, A Few Times
3, Sometimes
4, Most Times
5, Almost Always
During sexual intercourse, HOW OFTEN were you able to maintain your erection after you had entered your partner?
Please Select
0, Did Not Attempt Intercourse
1, Almost Never
2, A Few Times
3, Sometimes
4, Most Times
5, Almost Always
During sexual intercourse, HOW DIFFICULT was it to maintain your erection to completion of intercourse?
Please Select
0, Did Not Attempt Intercourse
1, Extremely Difficult
2, Very Difficult
3, Difficult
4, Slightly Difficult
5, Not Difficult
When you attempted sexual intercourse, HOW OFTEN was it satisfactory for you?
Please Select
0, Did Not Attempt Intercourse
1, Almost Never
2, A Few Times
3, Sometimes
4, Most Times
5, Almost Always
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