Caring for Our Parents: Share Your Experience
Your insights will help us learn how to make a difference in their lives.
1. Can you describe a recent moment when you helped your parent(s) with their daily routine?
2. What’s one thing you wish could make their daily life easier or more comfortable?
3. Are there any tools, products, or solutions you currently use to support your parent(s)? If yes, which ones?
4. Do you ever feel unsure about which products or services are best for your parent(s)? Can you tell us more?
5. If you had a magic wand, what would you change about their day-to-day life?
6. What’s one product or tool you think every senior should have?
7. What’s a small but meaningful way you’ve shown care or love for your parent(s) recently?
8. How do you typically shop for items for your parent(s)? (e.g., online, in-store, recommendations, etc.)
9. Would you be open to sharing more about your care giving experience in the future?
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